The Dark Above Appeasement Tradition / Ritual in Thormose | World Anvil
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The Dark Above Appeasement

Long ago during the 2nd era, a horrible event took place that left a blossoming nation in ruins. Thousands died in firry explosions and shaking earth. Those that survived either traveled northward or remained below the cold mountains. Those that stayed wanted to piece together what happened. They took to the high mountains to examine the damage. To their horror, large craters skittered across the landscape. There was commotion about a bright light in the westward skies which lit the mountains right before the explosions were heard, this was clearly the work of an evil deity. The Rider Volmn was something they shouldn't take lightly and should prepare the next time they see the western light.   The group of survivors began making preparations for the next arrival, training new generations to keep an eye out for the western light. It was 60 years later when it was spotted again on the horizon. The grand elders that still lived gathered their flock and took to the mountains. Atop the peak the lit a large fire hope Volmn would see it, they banged drums hoping Volmn would hear it, and the slit the throats of victims hoping Volmn's bloodthirst would be quenched. For weeks this appeasement ritual was performed, participants pushed to the limits with exhaustion reaching points of collapse. When The Rider Volmn appeared, he lit the mountain with light, but this time there were no explosions. His light left leaving no victims, the ceremony must've been successful.    When Volmn arrived a second time, the people had a rough idea when he would appear again. A new generation grew knowing the first hand accounts of the destruction that was wrought with the 1st appearance and they witnessed the ceremony which led to Volmn leaving peacefully. During every generation, a select few are raised to hold this information and to prepare ceremonies for the next arrival. Current age this group relatively small and secretive, the memory tainted by fairy tales and superstition. Volmn himself has been arriving later and later. His last appearance being more than 300 years ago. The descendants still stand ready, even if they are in the shadows of society.

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