Ganablin Species in THF Universe | World Anvil


Ganablins are a short, violent sentient species from Mauray. Ganablin culture mostly prevents them form creating advanced technologies, and are more survival focused. They will try to eat anything they come across, including other sentient species and without any decleration of war. This has earned them a reputation for being violent savages that want nothing but to kill and eat everyone else. Ganablin also have average - high magic attunement.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Having a fast metabolism, they grow quite fast. They reach full size in ~10 years and live to 60. They become fertile after ~8 years.

Ecology and Habitats

They mostly live in naturally formed caves. Sometimes those caves can be megastructures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They have a fast metabolism. They need to eat a lot, but this gives their bodies acess to a lot of energy. They use this for hunting.

Civilization and Culture


They were first engineered by the planet itself on Alix. Their population grew rapidly and spread to other continents such as Neublis and Ekera. The planet saw this sucess and engineered them in several other continents through the world. However, as the Ganablin seem to have an arrested culture that doesnt seem to develop beyond hunter-gathering, their history remains as mostly constant. Basically they kill people to eat them and everyone else fights back.
Average Height
1.5 m
Geographic Distribution


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