Frilsk Character in Thessa | World Anvil



A nomadic merchant from a distant land, Frilsk has travelled many places and sold many different things. A cunning and witty frilled lizardfolk, Frilsk can resort to many different methods to frighten, annoy, or support both his enemies and allies. He wields a scimitar made of water, a relic picked up while travelling, and can form it into a whip as needed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Smaller than average lizardfolk, but no less built.

Body Features

Muscular, with a frilled neck, sharp claws, and a tail.

Physical quirks

Can unfold his frilled neck to startle or distract enemies.

Special abilities

Is quite fast and can hold his breath for very long periods.

Specialized Equipment

Wields a scimitar of water.

The Great Tree

After fighting the shambler, we took some time to recover from our wounds and do some shopping. The party headed back to Lakecrest, and then decided to travel to the City of Amberlight. Once there, I restocked and purchased many different supplies and potions. I also added fanged to my weapon, just for fun. The party also examined Amberlight's obelisk, and found that its stone was missing too. After the shopping trip and several days of gathering information, the party learned of a massive tree near the elven capital of Everglen and decided to go check it out. We arrived in Everglen, hired a guide, and travelled to the tree. The view when we got there was amazing. The tree, which broke through the forest canopy with ease, was situated in the middle of a lake that was fed by a river. The lake had massive roots stretching across and through it, dotting the water with small platforms wherever they had breached the surface. The water also acted very strange, circling outward from the tree like a giant whirlpool. We were able to spot two openings on the tree, and decided to cross the water to go inside. Halfway across I was attacked by a massive shark, which latched onto my arm and attempted to drag me under. I was able to escape its grasp, however, and the beast was finished off by Asren and Castien. We climbed up inside the tree, which was extremely dark. After Castien and Myricacea provided light, we all moved through the passageway. Moonshadow had just found an opening in the roof above us when it suddenly was blocked by thorny vines. He barely had time to turn around before a leafy figure rushed him, attacked, and then retreated into the shadows. The party, mobilizing into action against the hidden threat, grew accustomed to being surprise attacked. When we finally managed to pin down the beast and slay it, the vines that blocked our way retreated. Upon climbing up we found a room filled with a barrier of light that surrounded a large obelisk. Searching the room around the barrier, we located three different circles, each with a different puzzle. Myricacea and Asren found a small tree that was almost dead, and began to nurse it back to health. When the plant was rejuvenated one layer of the barrier disappeared. Moonshadow and Castien found a totem that depicted many creatures of power. Castien straightened the top of it, and another layer of the barrier fell away. I found a group of six plants, and started to collect their leaves and berries after remembering that I had seen plants like them in the market before. Myricacea came over after he was done with the tree and told me that five of the six plants were used for poison. He was also able to identify one of the six, the blue leafed one, as being used for healing. I ate it, and the last layer of the barrier fell away. We walked up to the obelisk, examined it, and put the gem that we had found inside of it. As it was placed inside the obelisk a refreshing wind gusted outwards and healed us all. Overall, quite the adventure.

Journal 1 - Shipwrecked

On route to the Isle of Leumadaria aboard the Sea Bear, going through a large bank of unnatural fog, we encountered a pirate ship. Our crew's quick reactions allowed us to react before they boarded, but because of their numbers and the strength of their captain our ship was eventually overrun. One interesting point of note was that the pirates were a crew of half orcs. After killing the original boarders, myself and Moonshadow (An Elf adventurer who I met on the journey) attempted to board the attacking ship. The jump was too far to make unfortunately, and they saw us coming from a mile away. Myricaceae and Castien (A lotus spirit adventurer and a brooding half elf with burning scars) stayed on the ship. Myricaceae, in a show of power, summoned a water elemental on the enemy ship and blew a hole through it, causing a chain reaction of explosions throughout the ship which narrowly missed both myself and Moonshadow, but not before the pirate captain and several more crew swung across. If it hadn't been for Castien's invisibility spell, the plant might have been killed. Instead, all the remaining crew and passengers of the Sea Bear ended up thrown and drifting in the water. After many hours we finally drifted ashore at an incredibly small and semi deserted fishing town.

Journal 3 - The Shambler's Cave

Today's journal will be a short one, on account of everything that has happened in the last few hours. After our party's fight with the ghouls, we decided to make our way to Lakecrest to learn more about the rumors of a mysterious bear creature terrorizing the town. About halfway there we encountered a harsh thunderstorm and, due to the sad relationship between our elves and water, were forced to take shelter in an abandoned barn. When we finally made it to Lakecrest we found several houses on the outskirts of the city in ruins, with signs of a harsh and recent battle. Most of the party opted to spend the night inside an inn, but I stayed with Myricacea outside to keep him company. During the night we were approached by some friendly kobold city guards, who were very willing to exchange information after I explained why I was sleeping outside. They were surprised by the rumors we had heard about a large bear, and told us the true nature of the beast harassing the town. It was a massive plant, and had been attacking the city during large storms. They told us that our help in defeating the beast would be much appreciated and that there was a reward in Amberlight for killing it. Our party rested up, and then set out to track the beast. After several hours we came upon a great cave, extremely lush in foliage with tracks leading into it. We entered the cave cautiously, which was good because it was extremely dark. Myricacea turned his weapon into a lamp, which helped a lot with vision. The cave opened into a large cavern, with a leafy mound in the center. This was the beginning of the battle, and was nearly our party's end. The beast was a massive shambler accompanied by several smaller plant creatures who were covered in thorns and adept at ripping and tearing skin away. I immediately ran into the center of the room to face the shambler head on, taking the brunt of the attacks in an attempt to stall the beast long enough for the others to get into position. In the end we found that we were grossly outmatched and resorted to using the narrow end of the cave as a choke point while employing hit and run tactics to assault the shambler. Despite our predicament, the party rose to the challenge, with Moonshadow and Castien performing admirably. The beast now lies dead on the floor as we attempt to recover from our wounds enough to make it back to Lakecrest.

Journal 2 - Ambush Routed

The past week was spent trying to get our bearings and learn more about the Isle of Leumadaria. Our party travelled from Windrest to Knightrock, a warrior city with high regard for the god Sothar. There are two gladiator arenas in Knightrock, with one being used for duels, and the other being reserved for trying to attain the favor of Sothar. Myself and Castien decided to bet on one of the duels, with him and Myricaceae even going so far as to try and rig it. Castien turned Myricaceae invisible and threw him into the arena to heal our combatant, barely managing to disguise the motion from the guards. Unfortunately, despite succeeding in "rigging the duel", the combatant we cheered for was sorely outmatched and failed to gain the upper hand. I lost a gold piece on a lousy warrior who couldn't keep from being knocked out when everything was working in her favor. I'd hate to see how she would fair in a real battle. After the duel, we met a catfolk ranger named Asren. He had noticed Castien and Myricaceae's antics, and we all had a good laugh about the event (away from the guards, of course). Asren asked to join our party and adventure with us, as travelling alone is far more dangerous than travelling in a group. We then decided to travel to Gemgarem, a dwarven citadel, to see what we could learn about the obelisks and to locate the mysterious relic that Moonshadow appeared to have lost in the battle with Captain Koltos the pirate. I will, however, leave the explaining of those curiosities to the magic users. We also heard some rumors of a giant bear attacking the city of Lakecrest, and were told that goblins and orcs occasionally find their way out of the tunnels below Gemgarem and attack the citadel. Supposedly there is a city of people tied to the earth elementals somewhere down below, though no one has the slightest clue where, as anyone who ventures down there ends up lost or dead. I also learned that Captain Koltos' ship (The one our pyromaniac plant friend blew up) had dwarven-made cannons. The dwarves swear by never having met the pirate, though, and had no idea how he obtained them. After spending a few days in Gemgarem, we decided to start the journey to our original destination, the city of Amberlight. The party opted to travel through the forest (I would have much preferred the swamps, but apparently catfolk and elves are afraid of water). After travelling for a time through the woods we encountered some strange skeletal dogs that attacked us. While we were occupied with targeting the dogs, several ghouls circled around us in an ambush maneuver, though I doubt they were smart enough to plan it. Our party performed admirably, despite being ambushed, and completely decimated the enemies. It was a fun, albeit quick, fight. I end off this journal as we begin to set up camp. Hopefully no more undead try to eat us as we sleep.


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