The Lost Forest Geographic Location in Thera Pægana | World Anvil

The Lost Forest

This country consists almost entirely of terrifying and desolate woodlands. The Lost Forest once went by a different name, but this name - like all the myriad species and creatures that once coexisted here in whimsical and fantastical peace - has long since been erased from this place as well as from history and memory.
  Eons ago, the Lost Forest was the setting for many beloved, ancient Theran fables. Now, nothing emanates from the Lost Forest but the parasitic planetary scourge that is the Daiku. 1,300 years ago, The Great Daiku Tree suddenly appeared in the corner of the Lost Forest in an eruption of impossibly powerful plane-shifting magic. Until the arrival of the Daiku, the mythical aasimar wizard Ixichor and his cabal enjoyed enjoyed practicing their strange and advanced magics in the undisturbed and supernatural grounds of the Lost Forest. When The Great Daiku Tree appeared on their doorstep overnight, Ixichor and his acolytes combined all of their powers to teleport the entirety of their ziggurat-city out into the middle of the Great Blue Sea, with the hope that, here, they would never be disturbed again. Though they worked as quickly as they could, it is rumoured that the Ziggurat and its inhabitants were not able to escape entirely unscathed, and the few acolytes who were infected quickly infected the rest of the city. Tragically, by their own design, their attempt to isolate themselves instead ensured that they were unable to flee the inevitable spread of Daiku spores within their ranks. Some say that Ixichor was so powerful that he was able to control death itself, and that he remains locked in eternal battle to this day against the tireless siege of the Daiku-consumed husks of his former acolytes.


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