The Justiciars Organization in Thera Pægana | World Anvil

The Justiciars

  [WORK IN PROGRESS]   The sombre order of paladins and priests who are devoted to Lady Libra and, therefore, also to the eternal pursuit of balance and justice. To those on the receiving end of this justice, they are cold inquisitors. To those benefitting from their protection, they are holy guardians.   Of all the Ladies, Lady Libra has the most divided acolytes. The Justiciars have been ideologically opposed to The Sylvan Fellowship, the other primary order of Lady Libra, for centuries. The Sylvan Fellowship is far more concerned with peace and reverence for nature - two of Lady Libra's doctrines that the Justiciars consider to be decidedly less important than the uncompromising pursuit of truth and justice.
Religious, Holy Order


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