Sylvia Geographic Location in Thera Pægana | World Anvil


Sylvia is well-known for containing the Wildergleam, the large magical forest in which the planar boundaries with both the Feywild and Shadowfell run extremely thin, such that creatures from both planes are known to simply slip across into the Material Plane (which is the location of Thera Pægana). In fact, Sylvia's name refers to the notable fey influence that this country has always felt (Sylvan is the language of the fey). The word "sylvan" can also be used as an adjective to refer to trees, and this is an equal, secondary part of the dual etymology of the name Sylvia.
  Sylvia known for having some of the longest, most placid, and most beautiful beaches in all of Thera. These are found on Sylvia's south-eastern coast.


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