Chokk Geographic Location in Thera Pægana | World Anvil


This is a strikingly flat and empty land of windswept golden plains that stretch all the way to the horizon. Chokk is known for contrasting its sprawling wild beauty with its haunted, ghostly emptiness. This country would almost certainly be more inhabited if it were not primarily known as being the marching grounds of the evil fire elves. This terrible race of arsonist raiders has an insatiable hunger for conquest and enslavement and its primary desire has always been to conquer The Gnomelands. As such, Chokk has always been the fire elves' passageway to their goal.
  Amongst certain hill dwarves, Chokk is renowned as being the home of Oakhold, the unimpregnable, fey-blessed home of the Wolfhammer clan of hill dwarves.


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