White Powder Club Organization in Thera | World Anvil

White Powder Club

Ogre's are mostly seen as brutish and war hungry by even their brethren. Their intelligence being completely miscounted, and why would they pass up that opportunity, being allowed to plan their next move in peace? What counter could your enemy offer, if they don't even think you can play the game.


They, like their namesake, murder their enemies by crushing their bones into powder. It's this powder that they wear upon their faces in public. They'll ritually kill their political enemies who become obstacles if they can. But they prize intellect and wit, strength without knowledge is just a hammer on a string. Knowledge must be applied as generously as muscle, so the club ensures their members are as tactical as they are brutal.

Public Agenda

The club sells itself as a better answer to the current rule of their homeland. They present themselves as intelligent, sophisticated, level headed thinkers capable of bringing a new zeal to the Ogres ambitions. They take in young ogres who are in need of leadership, and prove they can rebuild them into more than soldiers. That may be their public face, but their actual reasons are a bit darker.   The club seeks total domination, of the world. Starting with Ashenia, taking any orders or war-calls from Orcs is no longer in the cards. They must take their place as rulers of the country, before they challenge the world. They also take the most violent of their youth, not to reform them. Rather mold them, encourage their anger, teaching them to hold it in until necessary.


The club gets their name from a brutal killing committed by one of their own. An ogre so fervent in destroying his opponent, clubbed him until his bones were naught but dust. That act did not inspire the creation of the White Powder Club, but it embodies the spirit of it.
Political, Faction / Party
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