U.5. Federation Organization in Thera | World Anvil

U.5. Federation

During a very strange time of happenstance, coincidence and misplaced hatred. The smaller races of Thera were becoming outcasts and ostracized, any people of small stature were metaphorically and physically being stepped on. This began the brief existence of the coalition known as The U.5. (Under 5 feet) Federation.


The Federation happened to be led by the leaders of all the races involved. So a representative of the Gnomes, Hobgoblins, Dwarves, Children, Leprechauns and Gremlins all had a say.

Public Agenda

To get fair and equal treatment and respectable negotiations for all peoples considered little by the taller races.


  • Land
  • Troops
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Ships
  • Forts


Around 1685 there was a strange period of time when Dwarves, Children, Gnomes, and Hobgoblins weren't as respected as they are now. People became openly biased against them after years of knowing each other. A wave of anti-small sentiment went through the circle and beyond. It was very odd how easy and fast it spread, but it had a weird affect as well. The Southern races of Idyllfire have never, ever gotten along with the Circle races. But it affected them too, the Leprechauns and Gremlins all of a sudden were victims in their own homeland. Even some midgets were subject to this treatment, with people knowing full well they were 100% human.

At some point someone made contact with the southerners, and they agreed to meet. Dwarves, Children, Gnomes, Hobgoblins, Gremlins, Leprechauns and Midgets were all in attendance. They all agreed that past grievances were to be put to side and that they, united, would demand to all offenders that they apologize and give legal protections for all transgressions. If they refused they were more than willing to put up a fight for their cause. In 1689 the U.5. announced itself, and demanded all discriminatory laws and actions against the little people of the Circle & Idyllfire be abolished. They asked for new and fair laws to be drafted and reviewed by the U.5., and that they would be enforced and regulated. The Circle was ignorant & disinterested in any proposal and just waved them off, but the Southern races contemptuously rejected it and welcomed war.

The Federation fought the southerners, and slowly began to over take them within a period of 3 months, thanks to the gremlin and leprechaun strategies. After the Southern War leader was defeated, they aimed for a truce. With this win they went back to the circle, they were invigorated and felt they didn't need to fight the circle after all. They proved they were more than capable of standing their ground, and thought this victory would force the circle to at least come to the table first. They overestimated their worth to the circle, and were ambushed a day after landing on their shores. They fought again, but these battles lasted much shorter than the Southern War. A month and a half later during one of the battles the Circle forces called for a retreat. They then sent a messenger calling for a truce, and agreed to all terms if the U.5. was disbanded. This was a happy outcome for some but others did not want this. They felt a certain kinship they never had before, a true brotherhood for the first time and did not want to abandon it. But the leaders chose to let it go, and that was officially the end of the U.5., but there are still remnants who never renounced the name. And pursue unification in secret to this day regardless of what they have to do to get it.


In 1691 after all laws were passed and were being enforced, the anti-small sentiment had seemed to vanish like it never happened. The Federation followed through on its promise to officially disband.

Our Axes Skyward and our Love Below

1688 - 1691

Political, Federation
Alternative Names
2 Foot Federation, Knee High Hegemony, Stunted States, Barrel Barons
Training Level
Veterancy Level