The Chyafads Organization in Thera | World Anvil

The Chyafads

An Orsai order devoted to killing Giants. In the common tongue they are called the Tailors, and only operate in the borders of Ashenia.


The organization has the three roles within it with no clear leader at the top of it. Scouts, Trappers and and Cutters.
Scouts check the areas if they get word of a giant in the area. They will track it and determine if the other roles will need to get involved. If the giant has just wondered to far they won't raise the alarm. But if they have trampled over a orsai already or purposely killed, damaged or stolen something, an immediate call to action is put out.
Trappers are going to lead the giant to an area where they wont cause to much damage in the fight. They will either attack them and run off to the area or trick them into going there.
While all in the Chyafad are trained to fight giants, the Cutters are the ones who excel at it and will most likely get the fatal blow. They are who will be waiting for the giant at the end of the trap. They tend to work in sections, some will target the head to distract it, others will target the mid to upper body to weaken it, and the last goes after the ankles and knees to break them.

Public Agenda

To protect the realm from giants.


  • Their headquarters the Chyafads El (Tailors Room) has a fully stocked armory, a group of smiths who work exclusively for the them. Designing weapons and armor for giant killing. They have access to some of the best fighters, with recruitment access on the same level of the Gunna Guardians.


After the second destruction of Ironrain by a giant the Orcs would come to a decision. They either needed to eliminate them entirely or have a force specifically to take them out. They believed they had the forces to end them, but they would need the help of the Ogres, Trolls and Goblins to do it. It would be a massive undertaking to track the giants down in the mountains and fight them on their turf. So they went with the second option, and founded the Chyafads, those who were best suited to fight giants. Since then the amount of giants they have dispatched have prevented the destruction and deaths of many.
Founding Date
26th of Shiver's End, 214 A.G.F.
Military Order
Alternative Names
Related Ethnicities