Night Light Bridge Building / Landmark in Thera | World Anvil

Night Light Bridge

A glowing commandment of respect, the physical representation of our commitment of telling the sharks to eat a bowl of feral were shit. And what can i say? We like to look our best. - Local Guard

Purpose / Function

The Night Light Bridge was built as a first defense against a shark incursion from the Freehand beaches. Hopefully to make the sharks think twice before invading. It functions as a wall and a weapon.


At first just existing to be a wall, it was altered to add a flaming ballista every 5 feet on a 80 foot stretch.


It's built using stone and wood.


The Night Light Bridge was originally created as just another wall to after the sharks started attacking port towns and boats. When they were constructing it the Freehand Counties, Burnberry specifically offered to pay extra to have the ballista installed on the walls. While Serferine has plenty of people to fight off an invasion, the counties don't. So the Night Light Bridge was built and it has become a spectacle and the pride of the counties, flaming all night to cast away the shadows.
Wall section
Parent Location
Owning Organization