Half-Giant Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


Half-Giants are quite literally the gentle giants of the circle. Born of circumstances out of their control and has caused certain people to despise them and others to fear them. But they'd give you the shirt off their back if they could afford one.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common

Culture and cultural heritage

They're the first generation of half-giants and haven't had enough time to develop their own culture yet.

Common Etiquette rules

They're doormats. Their size doesn't affect their personalities at all and don't have enough social awareness to assert themselves. So they let anyone have their way.

Common Dress code

They mostly just wear the biggest things they can find, their lucky to have pants and a fitting shirt at the same time.


Beauty Ideals

Half-Giants are very shy and have low self-esteem, so anyone who shows them any positive attention will become beautiful in their eyes.

Gender Ideals

Both genders wish that the other was more assertive in all matters.

Courtship Ideals

They court each other with simple tokens of affections that they give to each other. A flower or a bauble of some sort will do just fine. They'll most likely leave it at their crushes doorstep to see if they take it inside or leave it. If they accept it they'll continue from there.
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations

This ethnicity has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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