Guild of Momentum Organization in Thera | World Anvil

Guild of Momentum

The guild got It's start with three curious teens to bored to stay put. Two humans, Jean and Finnis and a satyr, Billy. Youth drowned them in a passion for mystery. The world they knew wasn't big enough for their lot. They went deep into the forest in search of the Gnomes. They swam with nymphs and climbed through ruins. Along their adventures they picked up a good witch they called Elda, and an elf called Jannis. They grew semi-famous in certain circles and when they navigated Shinegully they managed to find a few benefactors. After returning from Shinegully, Billy made his way home to rest for the next adventure. After avoiding traps, monsters, and mercenaries. Billy met his end on a quiet road a few miles from home. Eaten by bandits, this news shook Finnis in a way he never felt before. After all they done, his friend died at home. He was overtaken by fear and left the guild. Jean herself still made grand plans but, she never took another adventure. Both Jannis and Elda dissapeared later without a trace. The guilds name was forgotten by most until the day Lesander walked through those doors.


The guild has no roles or functions that one specific person is supposed to perform. Everyones skills add value to the guild.

Public Agenda

The Guild was created as just a fun way to explore local mysteries and abandoned places. Now the guild serves as a group completing an informative catalogue of the different people, culture and places.
Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Notable Members