Elves Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


Elves think of themselves as the first seeds of the Grove. Those who sprouted as firstborn of the woods and forest, which is why they have such great command over nature and magic. For what is more natural than something grown from the earth. The roots of which bind and connect us all. The elves consider themselves a primal power, an extension of Thera itself. The green arm that'll overgrow the weeds who dare choke its natural flow.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Elvish
  • Common

Culture and cultural heritage

  • Elves prefer staying in their territory to guard their forest.
  • They are advantageous but not cruel and prefer to keep others, especially men at a distance.
  • They're extremely capable defending against and using magic.
  • When not admiring it they help beautify the forest cultivating colorful plants and trees, they hold town halls in the middle of giant oaks so they give the forest a say.
  • They prefer wearing leather or wooden armor from fallen trees. Oaks grow big and strong so this armor is very sturdy. They see trees as there ancestors and believe they fight with there ancestors blessing.

Shared customary codes and values

They revere their forests. Nothing brings an ell happiness than making their home grow.

Art & Architecture

  • They live in huge sprawling treetop neighborhoods that stretch for miles, each with a distinct style of their own. The eastern branch, western branch and southern branch.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

  • They have a royal family but the king is not absolute, they have a council to ensure, and sway the king if his decisions are clouded.

Coming of Age Rites

  • At the appropriate age they must command the forest to capture an animal for them.

Common Myths and Legends

Elves believe they come from the Celestial Grove.