Ebonstorm Order Organization in Thera | World Anvil

Ebonstorm Order

The Ebonstorm Order was birthed during Mandu-Ro's invasion. Blessed by the gods, they have keen powers and advantages when it comes to fighting Mandu's creations. They are beloved when it's time for them to combat the hordes, and tolerated when during times of peace. The periods between attacks also affects the organization on an interpersonal level. Politics, money, and desires don't go away because your in the order. The bonds of theĀ  Ebonstorm families are all forged by combat yes, but there is always a way to discover a way through the most impenetrable walls.


No one can join the Ebonstorm, you have to be born into it to possess the unique gifts they have in dispatching Mandu's bastards. So they are actually all related. So after a period of rough fighting, if they has lost to many members, they have to "recruit". This is where they earn their nickname, they will find anyone they can to sleep with. If selections are slim they'll just find a brothel and go repeatedly to ensure a pregnancy. All single members will have to do this, and if they're desperate some of the married members will do so as well.


He wanted to be worshipped like the other gods, but his creations were monstrous and evil. They were not whole and had no inclination towards living or worship, just destruction. The other gods destroyed his creations and cursed him never to create. After years of whispering and scheming, he gathered enough followers to get his vengeance for him. Mandu-Ro sent his forces out into the world.

  Anyone, any group and any nation inside of the Circle were targeted. After 63 years of slowly losing ground, the people couldn't hold on much anymore. While falling back again, a pivotal moment in the war happened. They hatched a plan out of desperation, but they needed time to pull it of. They had less than a 1000 soldiers to fight, and for the plan to work they needed them all.
  They needed volunteers, to slow down the 10,000 strong horde. 200 people volunteered, some of the poorest and largest families stayed behind. Some of the gods were in no mood to see such bravery washed away. So they blessed the volunteers, gave them the swiftness of the wind, strength of an elephants stomp, aim of a hawk's eye and sturdiness of a mountain. The soldiers never even had a chance to enact their plan.
  The volunteers viciously broke the horde, with only 200 men. After winning the battle, they began walking home. A strong wind began blowing, the volunteers who were so thoroughly covered in blood, had all the grime blown off of them. It all flew into the sky, blackening it, which earned them their name Ebonstorm.
Founding Date
153 A.G.F.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Whore Guard