Cracked Axe Assemblage Organization in Thera | World Anvil

Cracked Axe Assemblage

From the statement of a murder witness,

Well, it all happened so fast but i'll tell you what I saw guardsman.   "SIR, SIR!" That young man was signaling towards an older man, trying to get his attention. The younger one seemed disheveled but, purposely? His clothes looked torn but not from overuse. He hobbled over to the older man quickly using his crutch. When he finally got close the older man turned around, and said "Yes? Is there anything i can do for you?" with a nice smile. A big smile, to big for someone you just met, the poor old man probably didn't have any one to talk to you know?. Besides that, everything seemed normal at that point. The only reason we were even paying attention was because of the young man. He just so seemed out of sorts, and because he was so damn loud yelling at the older one. Then the younger man says as calmly as a still lake, and not even with a change in his tone "Oh hi sir! I just wa.." then THWACK THWACK! Just like that! THWACK! He buried the axe into that old mans face and ran off, no hobbly wobbly legs at all! We didn't know what to do.   Thats when the the guard asked me about the weapon, he wanted to know where it was. "You said an axe miss? Show me." In that gruff voice that guards always have, he was very matter of fact about the whole thing.   Well... it's, it's still.. in his face, we didn't really want to touch it. The guard then went to check it, noticing something etched in the handle. He started to read it out loud and then stopped mid-sentence, and read the rest under his breath. He sighed loudly, and asked me if the old man has any family. I told him I didn't know, and then he just told us to bury him and took the axe. Then he headed off in the direction of the young man.   The guard later showed up with a were-child in his arms, she was beaten pretty badly, but still alive. Her little dress though, it was torn in places it really shouldn't have been.


All the Assemblage has is their home base. The place they call the Edge.


Coira founded the group and she filled it's ranks with runaways, stray animals and mistreated people. They have found themselves fighting against Andaala and her Huntsmen, and helping the Vilefires get illegal substances. They've robbed poor and nobles alike and set fire to parts of the Grove, and yet their group is still welcome there. They have been Knock Mountain champions twice, and have been caught cheating at dice. They've turned a regular night at the tavern into a raucous pit of good times that they still are paying their debts on, and are on quite a few assassins hit list. The axes have a twisted history of noble and terrible deeds, and they are all the better for it.
Founding Date
Illicit, Rebel
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Economic System
Notable Members