The Shackled Truth Organization in Thelesia | World Anvil
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The Shackled Truth

An adventuring party made of a band of thieves, they became famous when they committed the crime of the century in 2114.


As an adventuring party all members were considered equals.


Sly behavior and cunning aptitude were central to the Shackled Truth. They worked together always and executed whatever was necessary in order to come out on top together.


The Shackled Truth had been a group that were growing in power and notoriety in the Eastern Reaches near Lake Ramieé. Eventually they rose to fame after the alleged defeat of Lothiash the Vain, though that claim was never verified outright. After becoming local celebrities and deciding they needed another claim to fame in order to solidify their reputation, the group spent a few years gaining experience and contacts before they made their big move.

Parathio Nowmen [One Sound]

Founding Date
Adventuring Party

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