The Mendidas Circuit Tradition / Ritual in Thelesia | World Anvil
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The Mendidas Circuit

The Mendidas Circuit is a pilgrimage taken by monks from Wyne Stronghold in the east to Mundison's Delve in the Badumunzes.


This pilgrimage was begun in 17584 PF by Rithirol Koroza, a Dragonborn monk who established a monastery near the Wyne Stronghold. His purpose in completing the pilgrimage was to attain a better understanding of his origins, as it was rumored that the dragons of old were nurtured in the same place as Mundison's Delve (and after the dragons were killed out there was a city build in that same place) before Molgarath the Judicious penned them up at Wyne Stronghold.


The Circuit is normally completed through two months' of foot travel or half as much travel by horse. Along the way, Kathel Stronghold, Balley Castle, and Ukkhigil are important stops where the travelers rest and perform draconic rituals.

Components and tools

Each participant must possess the likeness or body of a dragon. This has been widely interpreted, meaning anything from "you must dress up as a dragon" to "you must appear as a dragon" to "you must possess some kind of draconic item". Understandably, this leads to mass confusion and disagreement. However, it is generally accepted that draconic costumes, scales, talons, and eggs are all valid ways to properly complete the Circuit.

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