Dalish Ethnicity in Thedas | World Anvil
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We are the Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path. We are the last of the Elvhenan, and never again shall we submit.
  The Dalish are nomadic elves that seek to recover, inherit and preserve the knowledge and sacred treasures of the two fallen elven kingdoms, the Dales and Elvhenan. They lead nomadic lives, wandering throughout Thedas. Their clans date back to the independent kingdom of the Dales and the Dalish themselves are their descendants.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adanna, Ashalle, Desta, Elora, Hanan, Maram, Lanaya, Rinalla, Shianni

Masculine names

Athras, Falos, Harel, Lindel, Masarian, Nethras, Pellian, Ralath, Sarel, Zathrian

Family names

Alerion, Boranehn, Ghilain, Lavellan, Ralaferin, Sabrae, Tillahnen, Vimehn

Other names

Clans are named for the nobles from the Dales who originally founded the clan. Every Dalish surname preserves a lineage from someone, though not necessarily a clan founder. One noble clan founder could start a clan with some Emerald Knights, who would also pass on their names (e.g. clan founder Sabrae with Emerald Knights Mahariel and Talas). As the Dalish often trade people between each other, not everyone in a given clan is a descendant of its founder, and as such doesn't necessarily bear their name.


Major language groups and dialects

Elvhen, Trade

Culture and cultural heritage

Both the Dalish and city elves have an oral tradition in which much of their knowledge and tradition is passed along, but never actually written down. Hahrens instruct through the use of lore and storytelling. However, there are some books to preserve history, few and precious.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Roles among each clan are stringent and clearly defined. A keeper serves as a leader and spiritual guide, and working in tandem with them is a hahren, who reiterates the Elven lore and tends to the children. Other important positions are being the designated warleader, hearthmistress and crafter. There is also a designated Halla Keeper. Elves can also be a Hunter or a Healer. Each position has an apprenticeship stage, an example being how an elf must kill and present a beast of the forest all by themselves to become a fully-fledged hunter.

Coming of Age Rites

They still revere the elven pantheon, and in a ritual to commemorate reaching adulthood each member of a tribe will have the symbol of their chosen god tattooed on their face. Vallaslin, sometimes referred to as blood writing, is what the Dalish call the intricate facial tattoos worn by all adult clan members. The ink used to do so is considered sacred. Many young Dalish receive their vallaslin when they are around 18 years of age or younger. When a Dalish elf comes of age, they prepare to gain the vallaslin by meditating on the gods and the ways of the Dalish, and by purifying the body and the skin. When the time comes, the Keeper of the clan applies the blood writing. This is done in complete silence. Cries of pain are taken as signs of weakness.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When Dalish elves die, their clan will bury them and plant a tree over their remains.[17] The dead are provided with an oak staff to help them along the path of the afterlife, and a cedar branch to scatter the ravens of Fear and Deceit who were once servants of Dirthamen. If a clan is able to, they will bury their dead in a sacred burial site known as Var Bellanaris, which is located in the Exalted Plains.


Relationship Ideals

The Dalish version of marriage is referred to as 'bonding'.
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