Sebastien Vael Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Sebastien Vael

Sebastien Vael is the Prince, or leader, of Starkhaven. He is a highly skilled martial-artist and archer. Due to his family's legacy, he is well-loved by his people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sebastien was born into Starkhaven's Vael family as the youngest child to the third Prince. He grew up as the youngest of three siblings and was raised into an environment where he had little to benefit by working hard. In his family's eyes, he became a disgrace to the family name and his parents thought he'd be a burden when one of his brothers eventually took the throne. He drank far too much, spent much of his time wooing women, and cared little for anything it seemed. His parents forced him to go to Denerim's Chantry where he was effectively exiled. His parents wanted no threat of Sebastien birthing a bastard son and one day having his child challenge the peace and prosperity they had worked so hard to achieve.   When Sebastien came to the Chantry, he was forced to take vows of poverty and chastity. Revered Mother Elthina didn't want to force the word of the Maker upon him and allowed him to leave, if he so desired. After a lot of consideration, Sebastien returned to the Chantry and took on his vows, this time willingly.   When he learned his family had been murdered by the White Company, he began to question everything around him and not long after found himself working with the Wardens during the Ferelden Civil War. He spent this time with Rivaini-Queen Lucia Campagna under the tutelage of the Warden's high command in an attempt to become the strongest person he could be.   When the civil war came to an end and the Jrid had been stopped, he thought that the fighting would have ceased. Sebastien was present when Camhlen blew up Denerim's Chantry and murdered Sebastien's spiritual mentor, Revered Mother Elthina. He aided in swiftly ending Camhlen's life and calming the Templar-Mage uprising. After witnessing what happened on the day, Sebastien left Ferelden to return to Starkhaven knowing that his people would need a leader in the coming years.   Once he returned to Starkhaven, Sebastien, in a bold move, made a public notice demanding that the White Company finish the job in murdering the Vael family. In the center of Starkhaven in broad daylight, he murdered the entire mercenary company. Since then, Sebastien has reclaimed his family's titles, has become Starkhaven's Prince, and plans on making Starkhaven stronger than it has ever been amidst the coming chaos. He has instituted methods for training even the common men and women in fighting techniques. His plans are to extend this and slowly make Starkhaven a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Personality Characteristics


Sebastien holds himself to the oath he took with Elthina, prior to her death. His oath made him forgo wealth and other worldly pleasures, but beyond that it also forced to believe the best in people and to forgive his enemies. Unfortunately, he has not held himself to this part of his oath and has been known to get quite angry against those who would wrong him or his people. At its very foundation, he sees his oath as a way for him to hold himself accountable for helping those who can't help themselves.

Vices & Personality flaws

When under stressful situations, Sebastien often lashes out at those around him. As well, due to his history as more of an individual rather than a leader, Sebastein struggles when working with others. This also means he is rather poor at taking and sticking to orders given to him, instead preferring to work alone or with a small group.


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