Aria Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Queen of Bard's Alley, Owner of Afterlife

Aria claims herself to be the de facto ruler of Bard's Alley which is one of the primary districts in Denerim, the capital of Ferelden. She is fiercely possessive of her territory and will do anything to protect it and maintain her dominance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aria is the owner of the most popular ale-house turned night attraction, Afterlife, found in Bard's Alley.   Aria has been ruling for at least twenty years relatively uncontested, though plenty have tried to change that (with no success). She keeps the mercenary gangs and any other organization that steps into Bard's Alley in check. Those people who have opposed her are all but forgotten, probably rotting in some shallow grave.   Who she was and how she got to her place is effectively unknown, and Aria wants to keep it that way.

Personality Characteristics


People don't tell Aria what to do. She does what she wants, lives by her own rules, and loves having the cards in her hand. People who talk of her seem to think she would want nothing more than to smugly remain in power, flaunting it while she sits on her couch in Afterlife, stares at dancers, has drinks, and give orders.   The only thing she might hate more? The threat of things getting out of her hands. Someone threatening her? She'd hate it.   If someone was looking for something or needed information, she'd almost certainly know something about it. In fact, she seems to know everything... for a price. Just remember, getting that information from her only means she's got one thing up on you, and she's all the better for it.   Getting on her bad side is not a good idea for your "health". She's not afraid to make an example of those who threaten her, and she's more than happy to cash in all those favors people owe her to bring half a nation against one foolish individual.
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In Bard's Alley, there's one rule."
Aligned Organization


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