Garrett Hawke Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Garrett Hawke

Garrett Hawke

Garrett Hawke is a Champion of Kirkwall, and the twin brother of Marian Hawke.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garrett grew up in Lothering with his family - his father, Malcolm; his mother, Leandra; his twin sister, Marian; and his twin younger siblings, Carver and Bethany.   In 9:30 Dragon, the Fifth Blight brought the darkspawn to their village, and they were among the last to escape the village with their lives. Leandra suggested they flee to Kirkwall, where her younger brother, Gamlen, held the Amell Estate. On the road, they ran into Aveline Vallen, and her templar husband, Wesley. Wesley was wounded by darkspawn, and begged his wife to kill him, rather than let him become that which they had been fighting.   Marian offered to kill Wesley to save Aveline the pain of doing so, but Garrett stepped in and insisted that the decision and action should be Aveline's alone - an act that earned him Aveline's friendship.   The party boarded a ship to Kirkwall, and found the city filled with an influx of Ferelden immigrants, all fleeing the Blight. The city guard had been turning the refugees away and banning them from the city. Worse, they discovered that Gamlen had gambled away the Amell estate and fortune. Gamlen was able to get a contract to bribe Hawke's party into the city, but only if they agreed to work off a tremendous debt as indentured servants. Garrett and Marian had no choice but to agree to be under the contract's employ.   A year later, they'd managed to pay off the debt, but Garrett knew that they still lacked the funds to properly care for their family. Garrett was persuaded by an associate, Varric Tethras, to become a business partner in his Deep Roads expedition with him and his brother, Bartrand. Garrett and Marian recruited some additional aid for the venture, including Fenris, Anders, and Merrill. They also encountered Sebastian Vael, prince of Starkhaven and helped him avenge his family's deaths.   On the Deep Roads expedition, Bethany was infected with the darkspawn taint, and if not for the intervention of Anders and the Grey Wardens, she would have died. She went with Jean-Marc Stroud and became a Grey Warden at Garrett's insistence. He knew it was her only chance of survival, and while Marian fought the plan originally, she couldn't deny in the end that it was the only way.   Upon returning to the surface, Garrett and Marian found that Carver had left to join the Templars. While Marian could understand their little brother's choice, Garrett took it very hard, distancing himself from his family for a while. During this time, he spent a lot of time with Fenris, the elven former slave, helping him track down and kill his former master.   With the rewards from the Deep Roads expedition, Garrett and Marian were able to reclaim the Amell estate. But the joy didn't last long - their mother, Leandra, became the third and final victim of a serial killer, Quentin. Garrett and Marian found her too late to be able to save her from her fate at the necromancer's hands.   The twins dealt with this in their own ways, Marian throwing herself into her work, and Garrett throwing himself into a stool at The Hanged Man, his usually-lighthearted demeanor dark and cold. It was during this time, following Leandra's death, that Fenris and Garrett grew very close, almost inseparable. Garrett would later confess to Marian that Fenris was what kept him going in those dark days.   Garrett's relationship with his twin became strained in the aftermath of the First Battle of Kirkwall. Garrett was concerned about the radical nature of Anders' ideas and plans, plans that Marian was all-too-willing to help him with. When Garrett discovered that Anders was an abomination, the two siblings had a nasty fight that lasted through the end of the Kirkwall Rebellion.   When Anders blew up the Kirkwall Chantry, thus igniting the Mage Rebellion and laying the groundwork for the Mage-Templar War, Garrett, still reeling from the brutal murder of his mother at the hands of blood magic, originally sided with the Templars, under command of Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard., insisting that mages needed to be regulated; when they were allowed to act unchecked, terrible tragedies could occur. However, when Meredith invoked the Right of Annulment on the Kirkwall Gallows, Garrett saw that her fervor had transcended common caution. He joined forces with Marian to fight Meredith back, defending the mages in the Gallows and saving a great many lives, finally striking Meredith down.   Following Meredith's defeat, Garrett joined forces with a mysterious elf assassin, Talis, in infiltrating the Chateau Haine and stealing a precious relic.   Following the start of the Mage-Templar War, Fenris left Kirkwall to pursue Tevinter slavers that were preying on fleeing refugees. Garrett stayed with him, only leaving his side to aid The Inquisition at the request of his good friend, Varric.   In 9:40 Dragon, Garrett reached out to Stroud, the Grey Warden who had once saved Bethany's life, trying to gain his assistance in his investigation into the spread of Red Lyrium. But Stroud had gone into hiding, following the spread of corruption in the Grey Warden ranks.   Garrett traveled with Inquisitor Merai Lavellan to Adamant Fortress to put an end to the machinations of The Venatori. Garrett was among those transported to the Fade following the fight.   Garrett remained in the Fade to fight the Nightmare Demon, insisting that the Grey Wardens would need Stroud to rebuild their ranks. Stroud believes he did so as a method of repayment for saving Bethany's life.   Garrett has not been heard from or seen since his disappearance into the Fade.


Family Ties

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Champion of Kirkwall
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
909 35 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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