The Inquisition Organization in Thedas | World Anvil
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The Inquisition


The modern Inquisition, in a fledgling state, begins with the interrogation of Varric Tethras by Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast. The Inquisition's reconstruction is, in fact, a back-up plan by Divine Justinia V in case of a calamity within the Chantry or if her attempt to restore peace between mages and templars failed. Justinia hoped that with enough support, the Inquisition could challenge the very tenets of the Chantry to enforce rights for mages. The Divine's servants searched for a worthy candidate to lead the Inquisition, such as the Hero of Ferelden or the Champion of Kirkwall, but they both had disappeared.   Following the massive explosion that killed the Divine and the Conclave, Thedas falls into chaos as the Breach threatens to consume the world. The late Divine's writ was invoked by her Hands, Cassandra Pentaghast and Leliana, declaring the Inquisition reborn and independent of Chantry authority. However, the Chantry has denounced the Inquisition, calling them heretics for harbouring the only survivor of the Conclave's explosion, Merai Lavellan ,who had been labeled the Herald of Andraste by witnesses from the failed conclave at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, when they were seemingly led out of the Fade by the prophet herself.   After allying with the rebel mages, the Herald managed to seal the Breach. But the celebrations were cut short, as Haven came under attack by The Elder One. The Herald distracted him long enough for the village to be evacuated before causing an avalanche to bury Corypheus' army and the village. When the Herald reunited with the survivors of Haven, the Herald led them to Skyhold , where they are formally given the title of Inquisitor.   The Inquisition later led a siege of Adamant Fortress to stop Venatori magister Livius Erimond from binding Grey Warden mages to Corypheus, enabling the darkspawn to control an army of demons. In the aftermath, the Inquisitor allied with the surrounding Wardens.   After the resolution of the War of the Lions, Orlais formally allied with the Inquisition and they marched on the Arbor Wilds to purge the remainder of Corypheus' army. Unfortunately, Corypheus returned to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to reopen the Breach, forcing the Inquisitor to engage him without the support of the army.   With Corypheus' defeat, the Inquisition achieved renown throughout southern Thedas and the balance of power across Thedas was drastically changed.   By 9:44 Dragon, the Inquisition came under pressure from both Orlais and Ferelden; the former wanted the Inquisition as another vassal, the latter wanted them to disband entirely. During the summit with the Exalted Council, the Inquisitor was drawn away to deal with a new Qunari threat that was spreading through the magical eluvians. Leliana discovered that several of the elves in the Inquisition's own ranks were Qunari converts from Kirkwall and covertly used the Inquisition to smuggle gaatlok into the Winter Palace. Solas also revealed that his agents were embedded in the Inquisition as well.   After the resolution of the Qunari threat, the Inquisitor, having their own left arm magically amputated by Solas to prevent the Anchor from killing them, returned to the Exalted Council to decide the Inquisition's fate.   The Inquisitor felt that given the danger of the threats facing Thedas, the Inquisition was still needed but could not continue as it currently was in the face of increasing political pressure. Much like the first Inquisition did with the Nevarran Accord, the Inquisition reached an agreement with the Chantry. The Inquisition was downsized to a more manageable size and would serve as the personal honour guard of Divine Victoria, herself a former member of the Inquisition. This allowed them to launch a campaign against the looming threat to Thedas, that was capable of an effective response but at a higher risk of infiltration. To attempt to compensate for this, the Inquisition began screening recruits and members much more vigorously.
Founding Date
9:40 Dragon
Civil Services
Controlled Territories

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