Samak, Goddess of Oceans Character in The Zamarrid Adventures | World Anvil
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Samak, Goddess of Oceans ((Saw-mah-ock))

The Birth of a God

Faegore "The Father" started by diving deep to the ocean floor, where he forged a rock in the shape of a woman and begun to fill that rock with all the sea life he could gather. When the rocks could hold no more life. He then brought the rock to the cleanest mountain spring in the world. Faegor wept into the spring, his tears fused it with his own essence with the spring then pouring the spring water over the rocks. The rocks begun to crack and spew out boiling water from all sides until the rock exploded and in the remains covered in the sea was the first child of Faegores essence fully grown. She would possess power over all the seas and all who crossed them speaking to their hearts as they Journey.

A Goddess Alone

Sammok is revered by fisherman, ocean travelers, poets and songwriters. Samak is the oldest of the existing gods and was often sought for her wise council and became the leader of the gods during Faegor's absence for a time. She eventually choose to leave the hierarchy on Mount Usara, her abrupt absence was triggered by the death of her son ( Baharren (Bah-ha-reen) god of sailors and merchants ). This shock causes Samak to forsake her position amongst the other gods. Some say that Samak travels the world lost in thought giving inspiration to poets & musicians. Samak inspiration is credited for songs of lost loves and deaths. Whenever the sea are rough or in turmoil it’s said that Samak is remembering her son’s death. Sailor will make an offering by pouring alcohol into the ocean so that she will drink and forget the pain of her son’s loss. The phase “May Samak's grieving be short-lived” has become common to expression to describe something sad, depressing, or something they wish they could forget.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Poetry, Fishermen, Travelf


Baharren's Bident - Held as a symbol of the right to rule in the Imperiium

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The common symbol of Samak is a teardrop falling into a chalice.

Tenets of Faith

Shelter others from the dangers of the storms. 
Loss is our greatest sorrow, everyone even the gods will struggle with it. Be with them while they grieve. 
Alcohol is to poured into the ocean for Samak, not into your mouth.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of the Oceans, Fisherman, Travel and Poetry
Current Residence
Opelida ( The Pantheon of Gods )
Aligned Organization


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