The Ruins of Chicahua Building / Landmark in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Ruins of Chicahua

The Ruins of Chicahua was once a great Yuan-Ti fortress and Temple built up in The Deep Forest but is now a flooded ruin, sunken into a swamp. Only the giant stone spire protruding from the top of this settlement is above to water anymore and was once used as a watchtower. No one knows exactly how the Yuan-Ti lost their iron hold on this land, but many historians something else invaded them...

Purpose / Function

Chicahua, in its golden days, was used to worship the false snake gods of the Yuan-Ti and used as the capital of the great Yuan-Ti nation that crawled out of the earth after The Splitting of The Main Continent. It housed many slaves, and no one is completely sure who was the leader of this settlement and consequently the ruler of the Yuan-Ti nation.


Very little of the architecture of this ruin can even be seen, mch less recovered. Anyway, the swamp water has corroded away much of the paint and design from the wall and rooves, makes them pure, smooth stone.
383 PG
Cathedral / Great temple


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