The Portal of Egham Building / Landmark in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Portal of Egham

The portal of Egham is the ancient resting place of a misled High Paladin, Sir Egham. It was once his mighty fortress before being overrun by monstrosities from a portal to a pocket dimension.

Purpose / Function

This fortress once serve as the stronghold of the high Paladin Egham, but now it simply houses 10% of the total monsters in the surrounding ten miles.


The structure was built grandly and could once be used as a temple fo the lowly folk in the surrounding area. The rooms were furnished well, rich meals were served everyday, but it all changed...


Sir Egham believed that by creating a planar portal to a specific pocket dimension, he could meet The One, face-to-face. However, it went terribly for Egham. The pocket dimension was actually full of monstrosities, which killed him and infested his fortress as well. This location is what is now known as The Portal of Egham.
1269 PG
Alternative Names
Egham's Keep


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