Lesser dragons Species in The Worlds of Merlin's Children | World Anvil

Lesser dragons

Small dragons - hunting dragons or fishing dragons - are common in Talmain. Similar in size to a cat, they come in varying colours, blue or green being the commonest for hunting dragons, brown for fishing dragons. Some people keep them as pets, hand rearing a dragon from egg to adulthood. Red dragons are rare and highly valued. 
by PeartVision in Shutterstock
  In the wild, they typically live ten to fifteen years, though pet dragons may live much longer. They breed every two to three years. Clutches of five to seven eggs are typical, and maybe half of these will survive to adulthood. Young dragons stay with their mother until they reach maturity at about three years old.   Big, fire-breathing dragons are thought to be extinct, though legends of the Great Dragons - the Old Ones, exist in every culture. It is said that in days of old, a few brave men and women formed lifelong bonds with dragons and became Dragon-riders. There are a few, little-known prophecies that the Old Ones merely sleep, and that they will awaken at the End of Days. Some dismiss this idea as pure fantasy. Others are less sure.   The Shadowman walks the earth again, and who can say what may happen next?

Cover image: Mountains Panorama Forest by Moinzon from Pixabay


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