The Old Kingdom Myth in The World of Varda | World Anvil
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The Old Kingdom

Long before The Kingdom of Arden was founded, there was a great Kingdom that is spoken of in legend. Not much is known about this Kingdom or what happened to it, but ancient ruins of the once great civilization can be found across Arden and even further, stretching north in to The Northern Wastes and even in to The Orcish Tribelands.

Archaeologists from Arden have been studying these Ruins for decades, and several artefacts have been found. These include weapons and pottery mostly, but some uniquely magical creations, though rare, have been recorded as well. Most research in to this civilization has been done by The Arcane Enclave, who believe the Old Kingdom consisted of Humans, Elves and another unknown Race whom appear in a few pieces of ancient artworks. Appearing larger and imposing than the Elves and Humans in the same artwork, it is theorised that the Goliaths of the Northern Wastes may have descended from these beings.

Several strange, part-mechanical part-magical contraptions have also been unearthed, although these are always in strange scraps, and a full working model has never been found. The theories for these devices are widespread, and how the mechanical aspects were linked to the latent magical powers held within is a mystery some suspect will never be uncovered.


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