The High Elves of Laheria Ethnicity in The World of Varda | World Anvil
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The High Elves of Laheria

Claiming to be the first of the mortal races, the High Elves are a mysterious sub-race of Elves that inhabit their island nation of Laheria. Located on the western side of the continent of Astiria, Laheria lies in the Great Ocean, and has a shared water-border with The Kingdom of Arden.

With pale skin and pointed ears, High Elves are typically a few inches taller than Humans and other Elves. With slender builds, even the exceptionally strong High Elves look rather slim compared to with other races, having a more athletic form rather than muscular. Hair can range over a variety of colours, with browns, blondes and coppers being common. Silver, gold and black hair can also be found amongst the High Elves, although rarer. One distinguishing trait is the inability for High Elven males to grow facial hair.

Origins of the High Elves

Being amongst the first of the mortal races to be created, the High Elves have existed for much of the history of the world. The ancient legends say that the First Gods plucked the stars from the sky, and breathed life in to them, creating the very first Elves.

Thousands of years ago, it is said there was a vast kingdom of High Elves, that spread all across the continent of Astiria. A great tragedy befell this kingdom, and the surviving High Elves fled, coming to the Isle of Laheria. Here is where they exiled themselves from the world, focusing on their future survival above all else.

High Elven Society

Societal structure on Laheria is based upon accrued knowledge, with those that have learnt and studied more finding themselves with more responsibility and power. They will often be placed in such a way that their knowledge and skills are utilised fully, enjoying the benefits that such a standing will bring. Despite this, High Elves share a common ideology; the majority must come before the minority. This has led to a very socialist society, with food, resources and services being shared freely with everyone equally, when required.

With such a focus on social needs, High Elves do not form typical families, and instead will go where their interests take them. This may mean living arrangements will be closer to the place of work, or alongside individuals whom the High Elf can learn from. Children, although rare, are cared for by their parents for a short while, before being given over to one of the many schools of High Elven society, where they will live and learn, developing skills to better help society as a whole.

Despite all High Elves being ideally equal, there is a ruling caste, known as the Council of Lalderis. The members of this Council are numerous, with on average 30-50 Elves standing at any one time. Election to the Council is done by a vote of the populace, with new members being put forward and chosen when required. An Elf may choose to accept this offer or not, and may also decide when they should leave the Council. Even so, there is a strict rule that no Elf can hold a position on the Council for more than 30 years; a drop in the ocean of the High Elves extended lifespans. The Council is ultimately responsible for all political matters; be it trade, laws or relations with other races and cultures.

High Elf Beliefs and Magic

To understand the High Elven culture, one must first understand their religion, or more specifically, their beliefs. The Ideals of the High Elves separate all aspects of life in to three different groupings, and balance must be maintained between all three.

Above all though, there is a thirst for knowledge and perfection in all things. High Elves are amongst the most intellectual and skilled beings to walk Varda, and their crafts and wisdom is often sought after. With this amount of skill, their society has developed in to an almost utopian state, with the need for money and material possessions almost being absent from day-to-day life.

The greatest example of the intelligence of the High Elves is their grasp upon Magic. Utilised freely and for even mundane tasks, the High Elves are not lacking for anything they require. Buildings are weaved from Magic itself, as well as any resources, equipment, and even food a High Elf may need. This is not done by every High Elf, but those that specialise in a particular craft. Whereas the other Races and countries may have blacksmiths working a forge, the High Elf lands will have those who can forge metal using Magic.

With all mundane aspects of life taken care of so easily, High Elves are able to dedicate their time in to pursuing knowledge and skills, doing so to match the Ideals of the Sun, Moon and The Stars.

The Homes of the High Elves

Created magically from smooth, white stone, the structures of the High Elves are graceful and full of embellishments. The artitects of the High Elves treat their work as much as art as it is a building, and the structures of the High Elves, even a simple home, are a true beauty.

Homes themselves tend to be large structures with multiple inhabitants and rooms. An individual will typically have their own room, and share other necessary living spaces. Without the dedication to a family unit like other races, High Elves will freely move to a new home if they wish, often to pursue a teacher or access to spaces and resources to practice their craft.

Life and Death

The birth of a High Elf is a celebrated and remarkable event, as fertility rates among the species are low. This may be a case of why the High Elves isolate themselves, to avoid conflict in case their losses from battle are too great. With their extended lifespans, sometimes up to a thousand years, the low birthrate is seldom a problem for them.

A birth is celebrated by those around with gifts, given to both the newborn and the parents. These could be extravagant tools, furniture and pieces of art, and are worked on personally by the gift-givers.

Death is also rare, with the magical medicines of the High Elves easing most sickness and ailments. Even hygiene itself is of little concern to the High Elves, who with a flick of their hand, can make dirt and mess disappear. Old age can still take an Elf's life, but it is more likely they will die from an accident or outside forces. In such a case, a funeral where the Elves body is burned will be arranged, and those closest to the deceased will attend. A period of mourning of 7 days and 7 nights will be had. In this time, no work is to be done unless it is to commemorate the life of the deceased.

Entertainment, Music and Elven Attire

Not all time is spent in the pursuit of knowledge, and even the High Elves must take time to relax. Entertainment can be found throughout Laheria in the forms of theatre and music, with the love of story-telling being prominent. High Elf music consists mainly of lighter woodwind instruments, although an accompanying harp is not unheard of. There is also a fondness for social meetings over food and wine, where ideas are discussed and friendships are strengthened.

The majority of High Elves where plainer clothing, usually a beige or white. Flowing robes and tunics, along with simple dresses, are worn by both male and female. Sometimes this will be accompanied by a flash of colour, such as a silk belt or sash. Heavier clothing is seldom needed by the vast majority of the population, as magical barriers prevent wind and rain from encroaching on much of the settlements. Some specific uniforms are worn by certain organisations, such as the High Elven guards and army. These can vary, ranging from embroided leathers to strengthened Elven platemail. One thing is common throughout the attire; the elaborate and clearly Elven design, which often embellishes such things so they are almost a work of art.

Relationships and Courtship

Friendship amongst colleagues and Elves that share living quarters is common and encouraged. With no ties to family, High Elves often move to other premises until they find others that share their interests and personality. This has led to tight-knit groups of experts for the Elves, which only benefits their society as they learn from each other.

Friendship may lead to a more romantic nature though. Courtship is often instigated by gifts, the writings of letters or poetry, and more time being spent together. There are no societal expectations for whom is allowed to court who, and it is likely to find two High Elves of the same sex in a relationship. Marriage is unheard of in High Elven culture, and a couple may stay together for as little or as long a time as they wish.
Relationships with other Races
The laws of Laheria typically disallow other Races to visit the High Elven island. However, some ports have been set up by the High Elves for trade with other nations. Old pacts are stuck to and a mutual trade-deal can be found between the High Elves and several countries, but their dislike of outsiders limits the amount of exposure there is. High Elves typically view the other mortal races beneath their intelligence, a fact that is often true due to the High Elf culture and long-life. This often comes across to the other Races as arrogance, especially combined with a High Elves matter-of-fact dry-wit. Other Elves are seen as equals, although may be looked down upon for their different ways. The exception to this is Dark Elves; whom the High Elves see as sworn enemies.

Cover image: by Yeong-Hao Han


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