Ager Language in The World of the Guardian Dragon | World Anvil


Ager is the main language in the country by the same name, in the east part of the northern continent. It's spoken widely by all peoples there, though in some isolated communities, such as among the Aldhar in the mountains, there are those who have trouble speaking it. It's also commonly spoken by Wanderers.  


"Sher rama prora"
I give you a horse.
  With some exception, the syntax in Ager is SOV; if there is a be-verb in the sentence, it's before the other verb. Words like must, want, or may, and they appear with a verb, they come after this verb.  


  Ager has five tenses: present, simple past, present perfect, past perfect, and future. They each change form depending on the subject, with the exception of future, which is the same for all.   If the table tells that the suffix is added to a vocal, the consonants of the verb are dropped starting from the end until the final vocal is reached.  
Present Simple past Present perfect Past perfect Future
I vocal + -r vocal + -ra -ran vocal + -ria -ui
You -ui
He/She/Singl. they -el -ela -eln -eon -ui
It vocal + -is -isul -isun -isni -ui
We vocal + -ssa -sia -sin -sinna -ui
You (pl.) -ley -lea -len -lenne -ui
They (humanoid) vocal -> -uv -uva -uvn -uvni -ui
They (non-humanoid) -si -siul -siun -sinn -ui


  The case is always added at the beginning of the affected word with the exception of genetive, which comes to the end.  
Genetive -in (singular) -nin (plural)
Partitive i'
Essive ha'
Translative s'
Inessive qa'
Elative miz'
Illative v'
Adessive ol'
Ablative l'
Allative m'
Abessive los'
Accusative ki'
Adverb a'

Nothern Dialects

  In northern dialects, the ya-suffixes are often replaced with -i.  

Southern Dialects

  When a word gets a double vocal due to a suffix, unlike in the common dialect, in south the doubling is heard in speech. For example, bekaim vs. bekáim.  

Reflection of Ancestry

"Essei vreba qelein lak malukais, srama vreba neliniálnin lak malukais."
(A journey away from home is made for oneself, the journey home is made for the loved ones.)
• An Agerian proverb
  Agerians are decendants of Wanderers, a people without a home in one place, who travel the world as the roads lead them. Some found scenery they fell in love with, and made their home in the open vallies of southern Ager, and over time, the land was declared a kingdom. As their language evolved, it retained most of what the Wanderers speak, in vocabulary and grammar both.   One of the most notable features of the language of Ager is the amount of words for traveling, as it has one for a journey made away from home, one for the journey towards it, and also a word for a journey into the afterworld, often used when speaking of one's passing. There are also two words for traveling from the afterlife, one used almost solely in stories where one escapes the other side and rejoins the world of the living. Another is used when speaking of rebirth, when a soul journies on to the next life.


348 Words.