Earth (Molded & unmolded) Geographic Location in The World of the Eternals | World Anvil

Earth (Molded & unmolded)

Definitions of the Earth
  • Unmolded Earth.
    • A Term used by Elves.
    • It refers to the state of the Earth, in the moment it was created by Magic. It had fields of dirt, clay and rocks; enormous oceans of water; sandy never-ending beaches; vast number of mountain ranges, of various sizes; multiple canyons, lakes, and rivers. However, that was everything. it had no living enterties; no plants; no animals; and no sentient races of any kind.
    • This state was changed over a extensive period of time, that began long after the slumber of Magic started, and ended when the Earth was booming with both Plant- & Animal-life.
  • Molded Earth.
    • A Term used by Elves.
    • It refers to the state of the Earth, in the moment, where the latent magic, within the Earth, evaporates. It leaves the Earth with lush grass and flower meadows of wondrous colors; dense and lavish forests; oceans, lakes, rivers overflowting with plants. Animals filling every corner of the Earth, roaming freely.
    • The period of time referred to this state ended when Magic rose from its slumber. The following time period, in elven mythology is simply referred to as "...after Molded Earth."


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