Castle Nordhaven Settlement in The World of the Centurions | World Anvil

Castle Nordhaven (NORD-ha-vun)

One of the oldest Centurion castles.  It is the home of Lord Paschal and his family and serves as the home base for Centurions in the north against the Vikings. Equipped with a dozen specially designed fighting catamarans it fights against Viking raiders in the North Sea and on the Elbe River. The seamanship of the Centurions knights and shieldmaidens legendary and well respected even by the Vikings.


Mostly Germans (60%) and Franks (30%). The remaining 10% is a mix of (mostly) Danes and Swedes as well as a couple of English, an Irish, and an Italian.


Ruled by Lord Paschal, Duke of Saxony, Warden of the Northern Marches as his home base. The Centurions are a very egalitarian society but he rules as the Duke.  Below him in rank are his son and daughter-in-law who serve as his lieutenants.  Below them everyone is generally considered to be of equal rank.


A motte and bailey style castle. A wooden palisade around the bailey backed up by an earthen wall. A stone keep on top of the motte surrounded by its own wooden palisade. Stone fortifications protecting the harbor.


The castle is a self-contained town. It has its own kitchens, bakery, brewery, smithy, etc. It also maintains small garden areas outside the walls for produce but most food is brought in from the surrounding farms.  It maintains a harbor and a small fleet of sailing vessels (special catamarans based upon designs seen by members of the order in the south Tamal region of India). The harbor is protected by fortified walls and is used to control Viking incursions down the Elbe.


A fortified harbor with a dozen specially designed catamarans used for fighting off Viking raids. A small stable of horses for the knights and shieldmaidens that are rarely used (the knights and shieldmaidens are more sailors than horsemen).

Guilds and Factions

They have a good relationship with the guilds but there are not any guild representatives living in the castle on a permanent basis. There are no factions to speak of.


One of the first castles built by the Order around 820 A.D. The stone walls around the harbor are a later addition, replacing earlier wooden palisades. The Duke is slowly renovating the castle by replacing the wooden palisades piece by piece with stone walls.


A castle of the older Motte and Bailey style with wooden palisades.


Set on the largest of several small hills, nestled into the woods of Saxony at a slight bend in the Elbe river. It is about ten miles north of Hamburg.

Natural Resources

Lumber and fish.
Alternative Name(s)
Nordhaven, Nordhaven Castle
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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