Doria Organization in The World of Tabled | World Anvil


Here is all I know about Doria, our racial ancestors, its technology, and history. Please note that my knowledge is incomplete. -Elisa
  In the beginning, there was only darkness. The Gods of Old created our universe in the image of the cosmos. What started as natural chaos eventually morphed into order, becoming the virus of the universe. Our world was but one tiny speck in this vast universe, and on our small rock, twelve races sought to pool their collective knowledge and resources in order to create something great.  
  • The water tribe of Nyaids (blue)
  • The mana absorbing Anpyr (black)
  • The doll like Tydol (purple)
  • The demon like Hellvain (blood red)
  • The angelic like Cyrcii (white)
  • The humanoid Wunam (yellow) (represented by: globe)
  • The beast alliance of Cathern (red) (represented by: five rings)
  • The mountainous Brunheists (brown)
  • The diminutive Halv (green)
  • The dragons of Thurn (orange)
  • The celestial Alogos (grey)
  • The phantasmal Hyrune (azure)


While not necessarily the highest ranking official, the Archmagis acted as Doria's leader. Each tribe has one representative that sits on the Leader Council. Present day Archmagis of Lamorak, Faelan Melinus, was also on that council.   Doria, the city, was above ground. Underneath the city, there were three facilities.
  • The Undercroft - Where Tydols are created.
  • The Array - A power facility that houses elementals. It provides power to the city and issues commands to Dorian technology, including Tydols. The Sworn Seven has visited one of said stations, underneath New Hope. This particular station has a total of eight towers, six outer towers and two inner towers. The tower currently known as "Tower 7" is a communications array.
  • The Inforium - A backup server. Holds historical records of Doria, including but not limited to the weather, climate, topography, maps, and smaller things. This is powered entirely by the Array and the Undercroft, as it is Tydols who run it.
  One structure from Doria still remains, hidden, invisible. It was called the Collegium, not to be confused with Lamorak's Collegium. The Collegium is a vast library that records everything that happens in the world. It holds infinite knowledge. However, the Collegium orbits around the planet in what is called "space". Beyond the heavens. To reach it, one must know exactly where it is, have access to a ship capable of "space travel", and carry the key. The Collegium remains active to this day.



Wax Sealing Technique: An odd pink liquid held in vials. When applied to an object as a sealant, it hardens. The seal keeps the objects inside the room like they were when originally put inside. Time does not wear them away, weather, water, fire, etc does not affect the objects. Magic cannot penetrate the seal either. This sealing technique was used primarily to seal away magical items.

The Twelve Rings of Light: The plan behind the rings of light was to create a being that would watch over the city and its citizens. The rings themselves are conduits and each ring requires the sacrifice of 1,000 lives. (12 rings, 12 tribes, 1,000 of each.) Upon the completion of the 12th ring, a single candidate who is able to absorb large amounts of mana, will undergo the deification process and thereby granting the populace resistance to diseases, longer lifespans, plane-shifting abilities, mana absorbing abilities, sunlight resistance, etc.
The Archmagis did not give up much information about the rings or give any details as to what any of the "processes" are. She is adamant that we find our own solution to this problem so that history is not repeated. However, the Collegium will have records of the rings, the processes, and exactly what came from it. The Collegium is the best bet on learning the how, what, and why of Doria's destruction. -Elisa
Since the appearance of the first ring of light, it has been made aware that Archmagis Faelan is in fact responsible for the others. He has been going around to the original 12 survivors of Doria, cursed to live forever, and finally ending their existence, taking not only the tablets that spell out the history of the rings, but birthing additional rings in the sky. As of writing this, there are 4 rings left: Euclaise, my ancestor, Qalgathel, Ulfgar's ancestor, Faelan himself, and the Anpyr. -Elisa
At the beginning of 1188, there was a blip in the world's mana, and the Anpyr died for seven seconds. Due to this phenomenon, the first ring of light appeared above the Lucian Plains. -Val


Long ago, a meteor crashed into the earth and created the landscape as we know it. The meteor brought along plenty of rich otherworldly minerals, which was mined from the crash site and used as the basis for all structures and technology in Doria. This mineral, while not stronger than mythril or adamantium, was highly flexible and acted as a conduit for magic.   Originally, Doria was meant to be a city where criminals were sent to. A prison of sorts. However, due to the abundance of the mineral, innocent citizens began migrating to the location. Doria adapted and was founded with a new goal: to become an open city for any and all races.   Doria existed for nearly 1,000 years prior to its destruction.


The destruction of Doria remains a mystery to this day. It is known that the leaders of the city (one per tribe) and the Archmagis were going to use the rings of light in the sky to bestow a gift onto Doria.

Everlasting Peace

c. 4812 NT - 3812 NT

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Notable Members

Cover image: TABLED by Lauren Baranger


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