Anubis, God of Mummification Character in The World of Tabled | World Anvil

Anubis, God of Mummification


Lord of the desert sands
Who guides lost souls through endless waste
Into a better land
Who brings the Dead
To their final judgment
Into the hand of Ma’at
Great-eared one who sniffs out
All things hidden
And from whom nothing
Can be concealed forever,
Guide us surely and skillfully
Out of the darkness
Of our own blind searching.
  Long before tombs and gravesites were commonplace, the dead were buried in shallow graves out in the desert sands. Wild dogs, known as jackals in that time period, were found scavenging the graves, digging up the deceased and feasting on their flesh. In an effort to protect the dead, civilizations turned to the Gods, bringing forth into existence a "guardian jackal."   Eventually, this guardian birthed Anubis, the God of Mummification and the original God of Death, among many other titles. He now servers as guide to the deceased, ushering their souls to the Afterlife if found worthy. At the gate of death, Anubis weighs their heart-soul against that of the feather of Ma'at (or truth) on his golden scale. Should the heart-soul be found lighter than the feather, the deceased is ushered into the Afterlife above, where they live their undeath in peace, harmony, truth, and with Anubis. Should He judge them wanting, the soul is damed to be eaten by the Demoness/Goddess Ammit, the "Devourer of the Dead." In this case, Anubis sends the deceased to Osiris, the God of the Underworld and current God of Death, where He then plummets the soul to permanent death.  


Anubis is not evil or sinister, as many people are led to believe from works of fiction circulating around the world. He has never and will never kill to simply kill, or to bolster the number of dead and thereby number of souls to judge. His followers do not mindlessly kill to "feed Him souls to judge" either. He also very rarely disturbs the Afterlife, only summoning forth the worthy souls to battle as a last effort to keep the cycle of life and death balanced.   It is important to remember that while he is considered one of the Gods of Death, it is more like he is the God of the Dead. He resides in the heavens, with the Afterlife, and not the Underworld. His father inherited the throne to the Underworld in his stead.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Earth, Law, Protection, Repose

Holy Books & Codes

Hieroglyphic Tablets, found in numerous tombs across the Tanr Desert.
"The Pyramids and the Jackal"
"Kemetism: Anubis"

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Jackal, Ankh, Scales

Tenets of Faith

  • Do not disturb the mummified dead.
  • Never animate the dead for purposes that go against the law of the land.
  • Seek truth both in life and in death.


Should the soul be devoured by Ammit, there is no resurrection. Only those worthy of the Afterlife are worthy of returning to life, though they will face supplementary judgement with their next death. Anubis protects the Afterlife and will never allow a once-deemed-worthy soul to re-enter without facing Ma'at again.
  • When being judged, the soul may barter with Anubis.
  • The acolyte that is attempting resurrection (priest, cleric, druid, etc) has no bargaining power.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Guide the souls of the worthy to the Afterlife.
  • Protect the cycle of life and death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Though Osiris and Isis were married, Osiris let his feelings for Nephthys - Isis' identical sister - reign free. Nephthys' herself wanted a sibling for her child with Seth, and thus Osiris and her birthed Anubis. However, out of fear of Seth, Anubis was abandoned as a mere newborn, left to the jackals. The wild dogs let the child alone, finding Isis and leading her to Anubis, albeit with great difficulty. Not wanting the dogs' challenges to be in vain, Isis adopted Anubis and raised him as her own, showering him with her own love and protection.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
3100 NT
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: TABLED by Lauren Baranger


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