Kharbranth Settlement in The World of Roshar | World Anvil


"My father was trained as a surgeon in Kharbranth, he used to tell me of how much knowledge and dedication to healing everyone he met there had. He denies it but, I think returning there is his final wish before he passes"
Captain Kaladin Stormblessed


A constitutional monarchy, the king passes and can create laws for consideration in parliament.


There are more hospitals and doctors in Kharbranth than there are in half of Roshar


The kingdom of Kharbranth does not have much in terms of military might or fortifications, it's wealth is in knowledge. Kharbranth has all of the best trained surgeons, doctors, and nurses in the world, thus they are invaluable for any military cause. Furthermore, the city has a very strong economy, allowing for it to be often overlooked by those looking for war, because they offer trade and medicine. Aside from that, Kharbranth has the largest library in all of Roshar, known as the The Palanaeum, which contains over seven hundred thousand texts.


Kharbranth's origin is a hotly contested topic, as none of the books in the Palanaeum seem to dictate when the city was founded. However, the city has been a Vorin nation since at least the Hierocracy, and maintained a strong alliance with many of the other Vorin nations following the War of Loss. While originally a small city, Kharbanth has grown more recently into a thriving metropolis.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Bells
National Territory
Characters in Location


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