Smoothboy Jones Character in The World of Popkin | World Anvil

Smoothboy Jones

Thunmarlig Elynore (a.k.a. Smoothboy Jones)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and muscular, stocky for an elf.  Or, willowy and lithe, tall for a dwarf. For most of his notorious career, he was a prime example of a dwelf at peak physical fitness.

Facial Features

Large, strong nose and broad jaw of a dwarf, but with high cheekbones and longer chin suggesting elven features. Normally serious face, but occasionally flashed a huge, disarmingly warm smile.

Identifying Characteristics

Lack of facial hair?  Long black curls were fairly iconic.

Apparel & Accessories

Favored a loose, white shirt with wide collar, unbuttoned to the chest; a black, tricorn hat, and dark brown riding pants.

Mental characteristics


Spent nearly a century and a half raiding the caravans and merchant trains along the great highways of northern Eukatetica and the Upper Marodeen Sea.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • The Plundering of Whoayae
  • Stole the Heart of the Sea, a massive, blue-green diamond
  • This is his most famous theft
  • It was stolen from a well-guarded, supposedly secret, royal convoy from New Calais that was heading south to Uhhuh by way of the Marodeen Sea
  • The Famous Fresco Fiasco
  • The Great Horse Heist of Fluo Plana
  • Personality Characteristics


    He could never find a place as a dwelvish child among either the dwarves or elves of his home country of Hyho Enore. When he left and found little more acceptance among the Verans - even though they too were half-elven - he decided if he wanted to succeed he'd have to do it on his own, at the expense of the rest if necessary.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    He was willing to do whatever it would take to get something he wanted, and was exceptionally keen when it came to figuring out what it would take. He had an uncanny knack for recognizing potential plans of attack that no one would ever have considered as vulnerabilities to protect against. Moreover, he was extremely patient when it came to executing heists, and kept his crews disciplined enough to wait for him to signal the right moment, however long it took.

    However, he was known to be hopelessly inept when it came to relationships, both romantic and platonic. He never had any close friends or lovers, even though he sought both for his entire life.


    He always kept his face clean, supposedly in order to emphasize his lack of facial hair and how it marked him as separated from his dwarven ancestry.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Supposedly amassed one of the world's largest fortunes before his death, but little evidence of such has surfaced in the centuries since.
    Neutral Evil
    4383 4553 170 years old
    Hyho Enore
    Brown, permanent sun squint
    Long, black curls, like Captain Hook
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Coppery tone, tanned to the texture of old leather
    145 lb


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