Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and the Arcane Myth in The World of Othlorias | World Anvil
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Ioun - God of Magic, Knowledge and the Arcane

The Lord of Arcane, Our Lord of Spells, the Father of All Magic, Lord of Knowledge; Ioun is the God of magic and Knowledge. He is venerated by mages and by those who use seek magic, magical objects, or knowledge in their daily lives. He also receives the prayers of those who find magic wondrous or encounter magic they fear. Ioun is the God of the essential force that makes all spellcasting possible. He provides and tends the Winds of Magic, the conduit through which mortal spellcasters and magical crafters can safely access the raw force of magic. Worship of Ioun had for many centuries been nearly lost. Sometime after the Cataclsym, Ioun engaged in combat with Tharizdun and while he was victorious, he was grievously injured and retreated to recover in among the infinite library that fills the hidden realm of the Endless Athenaeum, his celestial servants cataloging all known things as he inspires those who pray for her insight and guidance, and recovers from his wounds. For many centuries, mortal servants of Tharizdun hunted down followers of Ioun, slowly driving those followers underground into secret.   But with the rise of the Zentherian Dynasty, the followers of Tharizdun were put to the sword. Slowly, worship of Ioun was rediscovered, and continues to grow today; though still isn't considered wide spread. Ioun’s faithful spread knowledge and literacy as widely as possible, believing that minds ought never to be shackled by ignorance and thus not be able to bequeath the benefit they might otherwise provide their fellows. Not surprisingly, those who follow Ioun oppose those who foster deceit, trickery, and ignorance. The followers of Ioun are also continiously locked in a millennium old fight against Tharizdun to keep the Chained Oblivion imprisoned.   The worship of Ioun was, at one point, one of the few organized faiths in Esseas that had an established orthodoxy and a complete network of temples that adhered to that orthodoxy. But after the retreat of Ioun, and the hunting of his followers, that network was shattered, and now the structures that house the faith are individual temples or small networks of allied temples, operating very much on their own.


Common representations show the Knowing Mentor as a graying, mature man with a welcoming, with a warm smile, swathed in billowing robes and scarves that fan into books and scrolls. Some colloquially refer to Ioun as the Knowing Master, revering her as a headmaster of knowledge among the gods. He is recognized by two symbols, the older of the two being the Three Eyes of Ioun, and the newer being the All-Knowing Eye of Ioun.

Commandments of Ioun

  • Unmask those who would destroy Ioun. Learn their secrets and unveil them to the world.
  • Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one’s emotions and path.
  • Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish liars.
  • Bring knowledge to the world and those who need it

Champions of Ioun

Alignment: Usually neutral, often Lawful or Chaotic
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard, Druid, Monk, artificer, Fighter (Eldritch Knight)
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Order, Tempest
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Sage, Cloistered Academic, Investigator
Most followers of Ioun in one way or another work closely with magic and knowledge. Be that the use, research, discovery or teaching of these things.
The newer -All-Seeing Eye of Ioun on a book
The Ancient Three Eyes of Ioun
An Artists attempt at Ioun in the Endless Athenaeum


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