Grotesques Species in The World of Othe | World Anvil
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The Grotesques are any of a series of creatures created as humanoid hybrids. Although the True Gods created humanity and the "pure" races in the days of old, the New Gods and mortal sorcerers can only create parodies and mixtures of their creations.   Any sapient creature with the misfortune to be created by one of these entities is referred to as a Grotesque. Whole races of Grotesques exist, but some are unique and one-of-a-kind.   The life of a Grotesque is usually short and harsh. the Church of the Unsung God tolerates them, but only when they follow the rules of the Church to the letter. As a result, many find themselves sentenced to Iphelon, or facing punishment for real or imagined crimes, including execution.   Despite this, the Grotesques have a large number of advantages over other mortals. While they have the advantage of purity and the absence of corruption (for indeed Grotesques are prone to practicing the occult arts, if only because they are oppressed by more legitimate organizations), other mortals serve as the stepping stones upon which the Grotesques are built.   As such, they often possess abilities that are the envy of other races.



Chimaera (1, 2)

The Grotesque may choose two species; for the purpose of benefiting from magical abilities or gaining racial talents, they count as both of these species. If this ability is purchased for two talent points, the Grotesque may instead choose three species. The species chosen with this ability do not necessarily need to be of a playable race.  



Abomination (-1)

The Grotesque suffers a -10 on all social rolls with someone other than another Grotesque, except for attempts to intimidate or disgust.  

Bestial (-1)

The Grotesque cannot use any Gear that does not have the Embedded or Integral quality without a -10 penalty, lacking either the physiology or mental faculties to do so.  

Godscorned (-1)

The Grotesque cannot use any magic that involves the invocation of deities, and cannot benefit from any positive effects of such magic cast on them.

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