Gigantes Species in The World of Oless | World Anvil

Gigantes (Gig-Antes)

Gigantes   There is some debate among scholars whether the Gigantes are more closely related to humans or whether they are a lesser form of giant-kin, and there is no general consensus leans to the latter. In ancient times, the Gigantes were taken as powerful warriors and guardians by the Aluthai, but after the devastation of the ancient world, the survivors of this mighty people escaped into the mountains where they isolated themselves from the destruction of the world around them. They are a large people, towering above most humans and far thicker and stronger of build than the other races. They are dark of hair and eyes, with skin that is rough and often covered in coarse hair.   People of Stone and Song   Living a harsh life in the mountains of the world has meant the Gigantes have had little time or incentive to develop written language. Instead, they pass their history down through song and story, telling tales of their ancestors through an oral tradition that is more vast than the libraries of many scholars. In fact, the songs of these people often tell tales of the world before the Devastation, a fact which would greatly interest historians if the Gigantes were willing to share them, but the meaning behind these songs is tightly guarded by the clans.   All for the Clan   In their rocky homelands, to be on your own is to become prey to the hazards that pervade the mountainous terrain. Therefore, Gigantes clans place a strong emphasis on the collective over the individual when it comes to matters of survival. It is not uncommon to see Gigantes sacrificing themselves so their clanmates can continue on, or for sick or elderly members to strike off alone into the mountains and certain death so there is more chance for the clan to survive.   Honour Through Strength   In Gigantes clans, your place in the clan is determined not by blood but by strength and perseverance. Those individuals who best exhibit these traits gain not only great status and the best mates, but also the accolade of their clans as well. Proving your power through feats of great physical ability can earn you a place in the stories of your clan and therefore an eternal place of honour in the history of your people.   Shamans and the Spirits of the Ancestors   The words of the Shamans are of great importance in Gigantes clans. Many of these shamans make pacts with powerful spirits in exchange for magic to aid their people in their struggle for survival. When a Gigantes dies with honour, the Shamans perform a special ritual that binds a part of their spirit into the songs sung by the clans, harnessing their energy for the good of their descendants.   Gigantes Names   Gigantes names are mostly the same for males and females, and when they come of age they are usually given an epithet by the leaders of their tribe, such as 'Great-Tooth', 'Raging-Lion' or 'Ironbones'. Names. Kidak, Taqtul, Wegwun, Rodan, Felgut, Gertan, Chagum, Uthor, Hetkat, Jadut.   Gigantes Traits
  • Favoured Classes. Barbarian and Warlock
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
  • Age. Gigantes typically reach maturity in their middle teens, and generally live to around 70 years.
  • Alignment. Gigantes generally tend towards neutral alignments.
  • Size. Gigantes will usually grow to around 8 feet tall, with males and females being of similar size and build. Your size is medium.
  • Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages. You speak, read and write Jotenn, and have some ability in speaking Tradetongue.
  • Massive Strike. Once per short rest, you can double the damage of your weapon die. This damage is not affected by a Critical Hit. This must be called after hitting, but before rolling damage.
  • Tireless. Once per long rest, you may sacrifice one hit die to remove one level of exhaustion.
  • Song of the Ancestors. Once per long rest, as an action you can sing a song that channels your ancestor's spirits, granting allies within 60 ft that can hear one of the following effects. This lasts for 1 minute and requires concentration.
  • Song of War. Allies deal an additional 1d4 damage.
  • Song of Courage. Allies may add 1d4 to all saving throws.
  • Song of Spirit. Allies gain 1d4 to all ability checks.