Elsaph Character in The World of Oless | World Anvil


Elsaph , The Seedbearer

Worshippers: Farmers, midwives, healers, druids, lovers   Elsaph is the goddess of love, birth, and living things. She is sometimes depicted as a pregnant woman of immeasurable beauty, as a majestic doe, or as a sapling sprouting from the earth. She is worshipped by farmers, particularly in the growing season, and midwives say prayers to her before a birth. Druids often worship Elsaph in addition to the spirits of the land, and lovers often pray to her to grant them luck and bliss in their romance.   Elsaph is seen as opposing Tabath, the god of blood and murder, as well as the corruption as Vashal. The worshippers of Falar often get along with Elsaph due to their fun-loving nature, but those who follow Usul are sometimes seen as too dour and lacking the thirst for life the Seedbearer provides.

Divine Domains

A sapling sprouting from a buried seed.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sapling sprouting from a buried seed.

Tenets of Faith

Prayers and worship of Elsaph is typically done in the morning. Making love is often seen as an act of worship to Elsaph, and their are rumours that some of her worshippers can rather free with their affections, though this is not always the case and assuming so may lead to some unfortunate consequences.
Divine Classification
Eight Great Divines