Suloise (Suel) Ethnicity in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Suloise (Suel)

The Suloise (Suel) - Viking/Nordic   No one knows what the ancient homeland of the Suel was like. It was destroyed by the Rain of Colorless Fire turning it into the desert called the Sea of Dust. They say there is treasure of the ancient cities of the Suel there, but the climate is not very nice.   These are the fairest skinned of all the races of the Flanaess, almost being albino. Their eyes can be from pale blue and violet through deep blue and sometimes gray. Their hair ranges in the strawberry blondes, yellows and platinum. The barbarians to the north, Ice, Frost and Snow are examples of perfect Suel blood. They are also located in the Duchy of Urnst, islands off the coast of the Flannaess, and the Scarlet Brotherhood on the Tilvanot Peninsula.   The Suel have strong family ties as well as a strong bond for ancestral heritage. They are pale-skinned, and tend toward blue eyes and blond, white or red hair. They are short tempered and opinionated to the point that there is a popular saying the Flanaess that says, “when all the Suloise have left the table,” meaning nothing will get accomplished until everyone has an opened mind with the matter at hand.   They tend to be very dexterious and most tend toward magic. The Suel have a long line of wizardry and production of powerful magic finally producing the Invoked Devastation that destroyed the Baklunish Empire from the Suel Imperium.
Frost Barbarian
Scarlet Brotherhood Monk
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