Session 31: In search for the cure Report Report in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Session 31: In search for the cure Report

General Summary

After several hours of trekking down the old trade road and back through the game trail, so well-travelled by the adventures that its path was now well worn. The party finally found themselves back in the stark and foreboding ravine. The adventures cautiously but diligently made their way across the canyon floor and up its banks to the mouth of the temple of Chaos and in to the darkness beyond.   The party proceeded to methodically move throughout the desolate hallways of the now defunct temple searching the areas they may have previously bypassed. One such location was the darkened chamber that had been bolted and chained from the outside and labeled ‘Death Awaits’.   Inside the group found a series of sarcophagi in lined along the walls. At the end of the chamber was a particularly large sarcophagus that drew their attention. After some help from the Barbarian the party managed to slide the stone cover off in a grinding crash. As the lid slide off the seal ages old was broken and a gasp of ancient air belched out, revealing a void of darkness.   Just as the members of the partly started to lean forward to peer into the opening when a dark and mottled form rose from its grave its dark red glowing eye sockets staring at the party in an evil burning rage.   Reeling from the shock and fear from the mummy a battle ensued and as if by queue several lids of other sarcophagi slide off to free several wraiths from their unholy slumber. Soon the party found themselves in a dire fight for survival as many of their attacks failed to even damage the mummy as its strikes hit many times with devastating precision.   Eventually the heros prevailed and defeated the mummy and its minions but not before Deborah felt the cold and numbing effects of its strike upon her exposed arm. Soon after the battle when the party was tending to their wounds and gathering the spoils Deborah’s arm started to turn an ashen grey and she started to be overcome with illness. The clerics determined that she was infected with Mummyrot and that they would need to get her aid as soon as possible before she became overcome by this affliction.   Rylan, Zamastian, Wilian, and Aerin tended to Deborah while the rest of the party quickly searched through the burial crept and the remains for anything of use. A well-crafted rapier was found in the mummy’s sarcophagus along with silver dagger, and a scroll tube containing a scroll. The party did not have much time to examine these items before Deborah’s condition started to rapidly worsen and Sir Wilian insisted on taking her back to the Keep and the Temple of St. Cuthert for further aid.   Understanding that speed was important Sir Wilian picked up Deborah and made his way, the rest of the party in tow, out of the cave complex and to the ravine floor. There he called upon his holy steed and gently put Deborah on and proceeded to strip off most of his heavy items including his armor and shield. Once he was confident they were light enough not to slow the warhorse down he mounted the horse, steadied Deborah and trotted off towards the keep. The rest of the party gathered Deborah and Sir Wilian’s items and proceeded on foot back to the Keep.   Sir Wilian’s and the parties trip back to the keep was uneventful, Sir Wilian and Deborah arriving first, her right arm having fully turned ashen grey and it was now travelling up the base of her neck and onto her face. The drawbridge, having been lowered when the guards saw their approach, was fully down as they crossed into the gatehouse. Sir Wilian, his voice thick with urgency and concern ordered two of the guards at the gate to escort them with all haste to the Temple. The guards, almost stumbling over their halberds, struggled to keep up in their armor.   Upon arriving at the Temple the guards braced Deborah as Sir Wilian dismounted and took her off and carried her in. Acolytes, seeing the commotion hurried to the back to get Brother Stillan, who quickly came out to guide the paladin into the back to lay Deborah on the alter. Explaining what had happened to Brother Stillan, the curate with a look of concern hurried over casted a healing spell and then moving to his holy texts and scrolls started to research what could be done. Looking up from his texts he saw the paladin leaning over Deborah almost in a protective posture, preying. “She is in good hands. There is not much that you can do now. I will take some time to ready the prayer and ceremony to attempt to lift this foul curse.” However Sir Wilian not reacting remained in his vigilante stance. The rest of the party arrived soon after all filling in to see how Deborah was doing and to offer assistance. Other than Rylan and Zamastian the rest were told that there is not much for them to do other than to go and prey for her recovery. The clerics will attempt to stave off the spread of the sickness and perform a ceremony on the marrow to attempt to lift the curse. Other than the two clerics and paladin the rest of the party made their way back to the apartment and tavern to wait out the day.   Despite the number of hours that past Sir Wilian stood as a silent sentry as the clerics spent the eve playing, meditating, and resting. In the morning Brother Stillan and the other clerics began their solemn ceremony and prayers to St. Cuthbert. Slowly before everyone’s eyes the dry, sunken, and grey skin started to regain its shape the scourge resending back to its origin and Deborah’s body radiated a bright orange glow that became more intense until the last remaining blemish vanished. The clerics then followed with a prayer to remove any further diseases and then finally some healing spells. When Deborah, in the company of the clerics and Sir Wilian, made her re-appearance to the rest of the party they surrounded her and embraced her welcoming her back and wishing her well. Sir Wilian retired to his chamber to rest while the rest of the party celebrated and talked of what to do next. It was quickly decided to go back the very next morning, to defeat those foul caves once and for all.

Rewards Granted

Heros of the Tors
Deborah Taut
Aerin Elanor
Rylan Stoutland
Thranduil Neriwynn
Saroshi Ventis
Sir Wilian
Report Date
16 Feb 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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