Session 29: The Day after Yesterday Report Report in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Session 29: The Day after Yesterday Report

General Summary

After having gone for a walk to cool off from their exchange with DeVir, Deborah and Aerin stopped by the banker/money lender to with drawl their and Thracius's share of the money, taking the penalty for early withdrawal.  After witch Aerin proceeded to the Tavern for breakfast and an ale while Deborah headed back to the apartment.     Meanwhile Sir Wilian took DeVir aside and had a private conversation regarding the elf's behavior and attitude regarding the party and what it has resulted in.  When the conversation had ended DeVir proceeded to collect al the items taken in the caves and lay them out on the table.  Sir Wilian then called for and asked that Pawl the party's steward, make his way through the keep, locate each of the party members, and invite them back to the apartment this evening for dinner and discussion regarding the current state of the party and its direction.  After running into Deborah just as he was leaving the apartment and informing her of that the paladin's message, she proceeded to the apartment to look in and inform the party members currently there that she would attend the dinner and that she and Aerin had withdrawn their share of the money as well as Thracius's with the intent of sending it to a surviving family member.   Moving on from there she proceeded to locate Zamastian, learned from him that there are no family members from Thracius's past that he had been on good terms with, in fact Thracius's family, like his past was filled with cruelty and evil acts.  Zamastian felt that Thracius would have preferred that his remaining wealth be used to finish the quest against the evil in the caves as a way of finishing up his goal of making up for the past acts he committed as a youth.  Deborah proceeded to recover Aerin from the Tavern where they visited the Guild Master to purchase potions of healing, then visited the Curate of the Temple to check on the progress being made on the armor that was located in the temple.   Later in the evening the party members convinced at the apartment where there was food and drink waiting for them.  First Sir Wilian spoke apologizing for this lack of leadership in personal matters of the party, citing personal struggles with his past and that he will work to better provide leadership and guidance within the party.  With that he asked DeVir to step up and address the party.  The elf then stood up and an uncomfortable but seemly sincere matter apologized for his selfish behavior and that he was going to do better by the party, and to make good on that claim offered up what he had collected, without the party's knowledge, on the table for more equal distribution.     Most of the party reactive very positively to DeVirs quick 180 on his behavior and decision regarding the loot he had stockpiled.  Only Aerin seemed to be skeptical and guarded and Norian indifferent to the matter, still preferring to mock the elf if the opportunity to catch him in an uncomfortable spot arose.  The rest of the party enjoyed the food and took the time to interact and re-bond.     The next day the party proceeded to ready their gear for the trip back to the cave and to look over the items on the table.  It was decided that  the items would  be stored in a 'group chest' and some of the items may have to be sold in a larger settlement since there was limited wealth and resources located in the keep.  Also the discussion was had regarding gathering a party of men-at-arms and wagons to go and try to recover all of the stockpiled goods found in the caves, but a decision was made that only after all the caves where cleared and secured could a recovery effort be made with less chance of bloodshed.  Deborah also informed Sir Wilian that the armor would not be fully blessed for two more days, whose response from Sir Willian was that the armor can wait.   Finally, even through it was late morning the party finished packing up and started to proceed back down the dusty trade road back towards the Caves of Chaos.

Rewards Granted

Character(s) interacted with

The party resolved their differences and decided to proceed as a unified group back into the caves to finish what they had started.
Heros of the Tors
Report Date
28 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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