Session 28: In the wake of Chaos Report Report in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Session 28: In the wake of Chaos Report

General Summary

After the climactic battle from the previous session the party took some time to evaluate their situation and their surroundings. While Rylan, Zamastian, and Airwen tending to the body of Thracius, Sir Willian,- Deborah set to work, stripping the dead evil cleric of all his magical gear, under the direction of Thranduil's detect magic spell, then attempted to destroy as much of the evil temple as possible. Meanwhile Saroshi collected ears from the vanquished, while DeVir explored the temple antechamber with Norian in tow.   As the rest of the party continued their activities in the temple DeVir discovered the living quarters of the evil high priest and set to work looting all he could find of value. Norian seeing there was nothing to fight proceeded back into the main temple to explore the section where the zombies and skeletons marched out to confront the adventurers. Deborah and him ventured to find that the chamber stanched of death, and just contained remnants of rotting flesh and stains of seeping bodily fluids. Disgusted and repulsed they returned to the main temple to prepare for their trip back to the Keep.   As the party started to make their final preparations, Rylan recounted his knowledge on what he believed to be the cult that resided here in this temple; the cult of the Elder Elemental Eye. That name struck a cold note with Sir Willian and stirred strong emotions from his past. How the temple held even a greater feeling of repulsion and disgust he proceeded to the antechamber to recover DeVir. There he found him collecting spilled treasure on the ground, but also saw the idol of the cult’s god. Engaged he drew his longsword and attacked the statuettes knocking it to the floor where it shattered. Calling to DeVir to leave he proceeded back to the main chamber to summon his warhorse. DeVir instead scurried over to the remains of the idol to look for the two gems it had for eyes.   DeVir made his way back to the temple he observed the glinting of gems on the main alter and moved to pry as many as he could out before the party headed out of the cave and back to the keep. DeVir moved quickly to catch up, his laden backpack clanking and clanging along the way, oblivious of the disgusted looks from several party members.   The characters made their way back to the keep to inform the lord of their return and defeat of the evil cult and all but DeVir took Thracius's body to the Temple of St. Cuthbert for internment. There they also asked the curate to bless the magical armor and shield so it can be re-purposed for good. They also relieved healing from the curate, DeVir showing up in time to have his wounds healed as well.   The party also visited the Guild Master, Volen, to update him on their progress. In true fashion of the Guild Master, he was not only already aware, but had payment ready for the party. 200 gp each and a Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. Seeing DeVir's eagerness to collect his share of the reward the party started to argue about the proper division of the reward when Deborah and Airwen decided to take the reward and the discussion back to the apartment and away from the privy of the Guild Master. DeVir, suspecting where the conversation was going to lead decided to go to the Tavern for a drink and food instead.   The party made it back to the apartment, cleaned up, ate, and discussed what to do about DeVir's disregard for the rest of the party's right to the claim of treasure he collected and it was decided to break into his foot locker, assess what was inside and place its contents on the table to confront DeVir upon his return from a night of drinking and revelry. Sir Willian seeing what had happened spoke his concern to the rest of the party, citing that for him personally, he assigned no personal value to most of the monetary items DeVir, collected, and that no real agreement was struck in the party regarding how the treasure was to be decided, summing it up with DeVir will be DeVir. The rest of the party disagreed stating that it was common practice by all to share in any items or monies found during the adventure with the rest of the group and that DeVir was spoken two, scolded, and warned to stop taking items, hiding what he found and hording them away from others. Some took offense to Sir Willian's continued defense and excuses for DeVir's bad behavior going as far as calling him a hypocrite to Heironeous and his teachings. That Sir Willian, instead of standing up for justice, valor, chivalry, and honor, and taking the opportunity to lead someone on the path of good, turned a blind eye, enabling DeVir's behavior and tension it has caused in the party.   When DeVir returned drunk he became upset and belligerent so Deborah had to restrain him until he gave in and passed out. The next day DeVir did not remember much about the night before but soon guessed it had to do with the stuff still laid out on the table. Deborah and the rest of the party, minus the Sir Willian, tried to reason with DeVir, but the elf was either oblivious of his actions or in denial, as he just attempted to turn the argument around or claim ignorance that his actions were wrong. Deborah and the rest of the party give him an ultimatum of sharing the loot he took and hid away, and share what he collected in the future like the rest of the members of the party or not adventure with the party any further, and most left for the Tavern or Inn, leaving DeVir, Norian, and Rylan who attempted to reason with the rogue and patch things between the party members.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeated the Cleric of a mysterious cult of Chaos called the Eye of the Elder Elemental God

Character(s) interacted with

Met with the Guild Master to report the parties progress and to gain rewards.   Dispute between most of the party and the group's rogue, DeVir, regarding claimed theft from the party while in the caves.  Party is threatening to kick DeVir from the group unless he shares what was claimed that he took from the group and to no longer take things he finds to keep without the group agreeing to it.
Heros of the Tors
Report Date
15 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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