Oeridian (Oerid) Ethnicity in The World of Oerth (D&D 3.5E Greyhawk Campaign) | World Anvil
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Oeridian (Oerid)

Oeridian (Oerid) - Western European   When the Oeridians came to the Flanaess from the west they eventually took what is now Furyondy, Perrenland, the Shield Lands, the Great Kingdom of North Aerdy, the United Kingdom of Ahlissa, Onnwal and Sunndi. They are harder to distinguish from other races since their skin ranges from tan to olive and hair from honey- blonde to black. Brown and auburn are the most commonly seen colors of hair and their eyes can be of every known color, but mostly brown or gray. What makes the Oeridians notable is their choice of clothing. They like things such as plaid and checks and such.   The Oeridians were fierce warriors and conquerors by nature. The Oerids are olive-skinned, and tend toward dark hair and eyes. They tend to take charge and follow orders even willing to sacrifice everything for the cause they are currently involved in. They put much emphasis on combat and are always striving to better tactics by improving weapons and armor as well as inventing new types of arms, magical armor and magical combat spells.
Knight from Furyondy  
Ranger from the Shield Lands
Encompassed species

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