The Crimson Phalanx Military Formation in The World of Many Names | World Anvil
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The Crimson Phalanx

The Crimson Phalanx is an elite military contingent formed by Good Queen Kali III of the Kingdom of Teleucia. It is comprised of the strongest soldiers from across her domain, and each wear a crimson red uniform. Their standard-bearer holds a banner of a red heart, symbolizing the courage of the men at arms. The military design is that of an ordinary phalanx, with soldiers holding shields to protect their allies at the front, and the people behind them carrying long spears that go beyond them. Their spears, however, are unusually lengthy, with an average length of six meters.



The Crimson Phalanx is comprised of a total of 1478 soldiers, though they are rarely in the same place at once.


Each member of the Crimson Phalanx is equipped with either a shield or a sarissa, a lengthy spear that is used to stab at the enemy from afar. However, they are also equipped with a survival kit in case they are cut off from the rest of the group.


The Crimson Phalanx are known for their lengthy sarissa spears, which they use to attack enemies from a fair distance away.


At the top of the Crimson Phalanx is their sole leader, their Atymn, which leads the army to victory. The Atymn is a trained military strategist and one-on-one combatant, and at their craft they hold no equal.


Most commonly, the Crimson Phalanx just marches forward. Their spears are thrust forward and so long that their opponent is forced to either be stabbed from too far a distance or retreat. Countermeasures include arrows, which is the main weakness of the attack, but only if the opponent is at too far a distance to be affected by the sarissas and high enough to have a clear shot beyond the shields.


Top military honors were necessary to join the Crimson Phalanx. Only the greatest of the most skilled Teleucian soldiers were permitted entry into the formation, and even during their stay within the Crimson Phalanx they must undergo rigid military training to keep them in shape.


Logistical Support

The Crimson Phalanx requires resources and food to be constantly supplied to them, and because of their distance from the Teleucian capital, they must forage on their own. They search nearby forests for nuts, squirrels, and tubers to roast and eat, and each and every soldier is responsible for their own well-being, with the exception of military injury.


The hardest way to support them is the equipment and motivation. Each soldier is payed a regular wage, which is always 8 Sicinns every day. In terms of equipment, all of it is supplied by the Teleucian government, which gave them it at their formation.


Only the most skilled strategists and warriors may be allowed to join the Crimson Phalanx, and even skilled ones today cannot join because of the constant activity of the formation. For example, if somebody wanted to join the Crimson Phalanx while they were on campaign, it would be too difficult, as the phalanx would have to remain in one place until that soldier arrived, which would waste time.


The Crimson Phalanx was formed by Good Queen Kali III of the Kingdom of Teleucia, who built it as a counter to the elite Tharrian infantry. It was used in the Second Crusade as the principle invasion force, where it fought at Algriman's Wall. There, in the Badlands of Barad to the north, they experienced their most crushing success. The Wall was, after years of standing, toppled, and Teleucians spilled into Tharros. The Crimson Phalanx won glory and honor for their nation and their people, and became a historical symbol of military strength.

Historical loyalties

The Crimson Phalanx was built to be loyal to the Teleucian royal family alone. The Atymn was selected so that they would be solely loyal to Good Queen Kali and their descendants.
1486 AC
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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