Seat of the Ignicy Building / Landmark in The World of Many Names | World Anvil
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Seat of the Ignicy

The Seat of the Ignicy is located in Mem. It is where the Ignicy is centered. It is the sight of the annual pilgrimage, in which a young priest or priestess, no older than seventeen, must venture, without a guide, to Mem. It takes much time, and some do not make it, but those that do get inducted into the Ignicy. It appears like a long hall, with a throne in the back in front of some tainted glass showing the Eternal Flame.

Purpose / Function

The Seat of the Ignicy was intended to house the Leader of the Ignicy, who gave important meetings but really just served as a religious icon. If Ignisianism was threatened, it was the Leader of the Ignicy's fault, or at least that was thought.


The Seat of the Ignicy was formed when King Oeronas I declared it the official state religion. In doing so, they decided to build a center for the faith, with became the Seat of the Ignicy.
Alternative Names
Cathedral / Great temple
Owning Organization

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