The world of hrrath - History of Verseckt Timeline
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History of Verseckt


10000 BH 0 BH

The era before the Six Heroes slayed the Pelagic Maw.

  • -302 BH

    Tyrsburg is founded

    A settlement is founded in honor of Tyr, a god of order whose worship has long since been abandoned.

  • -99 BH

    Shadeport Founded

    Shadeport is founded off the south west cost of Verseckt by rum-smugglers

  • -1 BH


    Six Heros uncover the threat of the Pelagic Maw
    Life, Milestone

    The Six Heroes first learn of the Pelagic Maw and seek to prevent the end of the world

  • -1 BH

    12 /12

    Peenoose Invents the Rifle
    Technological achievement

    Peenoose creates a fire arm with proper rifling in a world without fire arms.

  • -1 BH

    29 /12

    Deina's Damnation
    Life, Death

    Diena's mortal body is killed by a follower of the Pelagic Maw. In her dying moments, her dear companion, and Nymph friend is ripped away into another plane. Deina is then killed by a spell.   Her soul is sent to the Seven Hells where she was trapped in damnation.

  • -1 BH

    31 /12 17:00

    Oren's Decent
    Life, Death

    Oren is slain by a demon known as the contractor.   As lightning pierces his heart, the corrupt influence in his soul takes over, banishing Oren bestial form into a magical labyrinth.
    A damnation into one's darkest emotions.

  • -1 BH

    31 /12 18:00

    Hiroz Decent
    Life, Death

    Hiroz dies for the 10th time. His reverant mind fully unravels and he goes feral.

  • 0 BH


    The Great Abscond
    Geological / environmental event

    In the moment before the Pelagic Maw was slain, it dives deep into the ocean and attempts to bury itself into the core of the planet.   In the process, the ocean floods the underdark.   Drow and other underdark dwellers seek refuge on the surface.

  • 0 BH

    1 /1 01:00

    The End of The Old World - The Great Intervention
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Six Heroes Slayed the Destroyer, yet the world as we knew it was sacrificed.
    Alfhelm and Peenoose survive this ordeal.

The Age of Heroes

0 BH and beyond

The era where the world was ruled by the Six Heroes.

  • 0 AH


    The Great Abscond
    Geological / environmental event

    In the moment before the Pelagic Maw was slain, it dives deep into the ocean and attempts to bury itself into the core of the planet.   In the process, the ocean floods the underdark.   Drow and other underdark dwellers seek refuge on the surface.

  • 0 AH

    1 /1 01:00

    The End of The Old World - The Great Intervention
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Six Heroes Slayed the Destroyer, yet the world as we knew it was sacrificed.
    Alfhelm and Peenoose survive this ordeal.

  • 32 AH

    Oren's Ascent
    Religious event

    Oren is able to disassociate his soul into two parts.
    One half represents positive emotions, the other half represents negative emotions.
    Oren was able to escape the labyrinth, however one half of his soul must always be trapped within the labyrinth so long as the labyrinth exists.
    Sometimes the negative side takes over.

  • 53 AH

    Deina's Hell-break
    Religious event

    The deepest layer of hell is destoryed and replaced with an endlessly deep ocean.   This new deepest layer is known as Nulla.

  • 69 AH

    Peenoose Un-invents the Rifle
    Scientific achievement

    Peenoose destorys all documentation of how to make rifles and fire arms across all worlds.   He is cited as saying that guns are "absolute bullshit" and "uh oh stinky doo doo* before ranting about outdated memes, whatever the hell that means.

  • 323 AH

    The Foundation of Oblesktoft

    Oren blesses a spring in the center of the Kephri Desert, and Oblesktoft is founded surrounding this oasis.

  • 600 AH

    873 AH

    The Underdark Expeditions

    Expeditions into the flooded Underdark begin as Drow form colonies back underground.

  • 888 AH

    Levantaii First Apears

    A star appears in the night sky. This star glows brighter than any other star at night.

  • 991 AH

    1 /5

    Rowdy Requistion Co Founded

    The real estate and landlord company Rowdy Requisition Co is properly founded a mafia group in Oblesktoft

  • 1000 AH

    1 /1
    1000 AH

    2 /1

    Fire Arm Rediscovered in Shadeport (ONE OFF SESSION)

    Two adventuring parties hear tale of a treasure hidden by the Six Heroes in Shadeport.   After a fight between the two parties over who gets the fire arm- one party prevails. They are...

    • Beowulf - A human pro wrestler seeking an independent contract. He later establishes an
    • Kroose - A orkish paladin of Tyre who admires Beowulf's wrestling
    • Diesa - A dwarf druid seeking to protect and guide her allies
    • Rhevnick - A human ranger seeking gold and glory
    • Kroose and Beowulf establish an orphanage
    • Kroose tries (and fails) to learn to read common
    • Diesa helps build the orphanage then disappears into the wilds to continue her druidic studies and to help guide fellow explorers
    • Rhevnick sells the magic material powering the firearm (A Penoose Power Cell) to a skeevy fence in Shadeport. Rhevnick uses the profit to establish a gang inside Shadeport. They are known as the Sapphires
    • Zelle abandons the artifact to live another day. Her allies Riri (Drow Rogue) and Fardieh (Dragonborn Warlock) are defeated in combat and left for dead. Zelle continues her career as a journalist

  • 1000 AH

    21 /5

    The Founding of Big Money Salvage Co
    Life, Career

    Bax, Riku, Tori, and Wellby found an adventurer company known as Big Money Salvage Co.

    Additional timelines