Grand Chosen of Qhatarr Rank/Title in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Grand Chosen of Qhatarr

Grand Chosen of Qhatarr is a position granted by the previous Grand Chosen of Qhatarr following their reading of The Tome of Qhatarr's Chosen. Inside of The Tome of Qhatarr's Chosen lies a series of prophecies called The Prophecies of Grand Chosen of Qhatarr. These prophecies are magically written into the tome following the death of a Grand Chosen of Qhatarr. Grand Chosen Movla Mîkhaîl is the current Grand Chosen of Qhatarr and she is currently searching for her successor. Grand Chosen Molva's predecessor was Grand Chosen Motikcal Bhaver, a former member of The Cult of the Dark Titans.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
Grand Chosen


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