The Mother Witch Character in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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The Mother Witch

The Mother Witch, Dulcina, is the leader of a group of Witches living in the Dark Forest. She has a controlling and narcissistic personality, which has led to her having no qualms about using dark Magic.   She is the mother of Anthea, but is not very caring or nurturing.


The Mother Witch is average height with a bony sharp build, with greying auburn hair that she keeps tied back in a braid. She has a sharp face with high cheekbones and pale yellow eyes.   She has Dark Marks creeping down her arms, a physical sign of her use of darker magics.   She tends to wear simple woven dresses and moccasins, as well as often wearing a shawl pinned over her upper body.

Personal History

The Mother Witch grew up in the woods, born and raised by the witches of the woods, and as such she was raised learning and performing magic, including dark magic which has led to the development of her dark marks.   She is a very controlling and selfish person, focused more on gaining things for herself than actually caring for the witches in her community. She has a distance from Autara and Autarans and sees them as inferior to the Witches of the Woods.

Family Tree


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